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Cours Or & Argent en
Phil A
Membre depuis mai 2012
77 commentaires - suivi par 2 personnes
2 abonnées
A laissé un commentaire sur l'article :
>The United States’ War on Terror Threatens America  - Michael S. Rozeff - Mike Rozeff
Anybody with a neutral perspective and a half decent brain can see through the official government version and MSM lies on 9/11 and see clearly where the real blame lies. As a lad growing up I was brainwashed by all those US shows and films that portrayed the US as the good guys and the policeman of the world, well maybe they were then but their not anymore. Ron Paul is our only hope as no good will ever come from wars and apart from the kool aid drinking crowd and those who stand to benefit, nobody of sane mind or decency wants a war anyway.

il y a 4436 jours
Début de l'article : The first thing to understand about terrorism against America is that it is negligible.Horrible as it was, the destruction of the Trade Towers was an outlier, that is, an event that lies way, way outside the main body of terrorist activity.It is no comfort to the dead, the injured and to their loved ones to point this out, but it is something that must be understood because failure to understand the realities of terrorism has led Americans to support aggressive war policies that are highly destructive of innocent lives and societies overseas and do not diminish the threat of terrorism... Lire la suite
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