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David K
Membre depuis mai 2012
14 commentaires -
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A laissé un commentaire sur l'article :
>Welcome to the Wormhole  - James Howard Kunstler - 
keep it coming Mr. Kunstler. your amusing and acerbic commentary was the perfect tonic for the compendious tedious and infinitely boring analyses of our terminal economic imbroglio. after the welter of various articles and their mentally stultifying and nauseating charts. stats, and impossibly inflated numbers attempting to delineate Economageddon, your prose style was a refreshing and extremely cogent contribution. Kudos!

il y a 4346 jours
Début de l'article :Now we get to the really fun part of the global unwind where even money flowing into supposedly safe havens turns, presto change-o,into an evaporation of wealth, and all of the lawyer-lobbyists whoever double-parked on K Street in the sorry history of this frantic era will not avail to contain the demons of their own design... Lire la suite
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