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Jim C.
Membre depuis mai 2012
463 commentaires - suivi par 3 personnes
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A laissé un commentaire sur l'article :
>When the Riots Start the Government’s Response Will Be Brutal *Video*  - Mac Slavo - shtfplan
Marc Salvo is correct in reminding us that the government protects our innate rights and that, should it become destructive thereof, the people have the right to abolish/amend it by violence if necessary -- using violence when violence is used upon them.

Yet care must be taken. Some people define their innate rights as including free medical, food, gas, housing, minimum wage, etc -- and when such is not forthing coming they pound their chests, vandalize small businesses, attack police, defecate in public. I'm speaking generally of the Occupy movement here that may have started out well but has degenerate into anarchy and violence.

The Founding Fathers intended equality of opportunity -- not free access to the labor of others.

Until we return to the original intent of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence any rush to join in violence must be questioned -- something Marc Salvo all too easily glosses over.

il y a 4361 jours
Début de l'article :That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely toeffect their Safety and Happiness... Lire la suite
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