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Cours Or & Argent en
Phil A
Membre depuis mai 2012
77 commentaires - suivi par 2 personnes
2 abonnées
A laissé un commentaire sur l'article :
>The extraordinary lack of coverage of Ron Paul  - Eric de Carbonnel - Market Skeptics
Ron Paul isnt remotely naive, he knows the system inside out and what is needed to change America for the better before its too late. All the other candidates have or will sell their souls to the MSM devil. Its time for America to bring home the troops and look after its own people the rest of the world will just have to cope without US meddling. Israel has more than enough firepower to deal with its neighbours so quit worrying about them!

il y a 4638 jours
Début de l'article : Is Ron Paul Getting the Coverage He Deserves? [NO] Nick Gillespie | August 17, 2011 Reason staffers Mike Riggs and Katherine Mangu-Ward were on the television yesterday to discuss the media’s response to what might be called "The Riddle of Ron Paul": Why do major newspapers, broadcast shows, and cable news outlets seem hell-bent on ignoring a 12-term GOP congressman who came in a tight second in the Iowa Straw Poll? Indeed, the results of that hokey quadrennial exercise in corn-dog politics was used to talk up Michelle Bachmann’s legitimacy... Lire la suite
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