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Cours Or & Argent en
Membre depuis mai 2012
38 commentaires -
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A laissé un commentaire sur l'article :
>The Rainmakers  - James Howard Kunstler - 
Any less plausible than what this stunad Obongo is promising? "Just let me tax everybody to death and then after a couple of more vacations I'll create green union jobs for everybody with free health care to boot. Don't be put off by the fact I've never actually had a job until now. If I knew how many vacations and how much golf you get to play when you have a job, I'd have gotten one 25 years ago like all my classmates no one has ever found or interviewed. But I digress."

il y a 4608 jours
Début de l'article :This much can be stated categorically about the USA these days: the more distressed our economy gets, the more delusional thinking you will encounter. People want to assign the cause of their misery to this or that (socialism, abortion, Jews, the New World Order). People want to believe that their world is a safe place with bright prospects (climate change is amyth, we have a hundred years of shale oil)... Lire la suite
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