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Membre depuis mai 2012
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>International appeal for the protection of academic independence - Steve Keen - Debt Deflation
As this article has but the flimsiest of connections to the world of precious metals, allow me to share a few of my own thoughts on what should be the subject at hand.

The last number of years, like many of you, a good deal more of my waking hours have been taken up with trying to make sense of what has taken place in the economic and political spheres. It seemed that the more i read, the angrier i became with what i learned. As you likely all have your own lengthy list of things that have angered you, i will sum my own up by saying that government is in cahoots with the big banks and we are their targets for the theft of both our wealth and rights.

Like many others, i sought to do what i could to preserve what i could of my wealth, taking refuge in precious metals. And for a good while, that seemed to be about all that could be done. You see, my understanding was that a great injustice was being played out on a grand scale and all that we victims could do was to take shelter as best we could.

My perception has since changed. What i now understand to be true is that we need not be the victims in this unfolding tragedy. We have the ability to steer events in the direction of our own choosing, even though aligned against us is the mightiest empire the world has ever seen, along with its many allies, fuelled with a bottomless supply of cash to do with what they wish.

Yet we possess the one weapon for which they have no defence. It is a weapon of great mass destruction. You might know it by the name of democracy.

Our great weapon, to be most effective, must be deployed in America, for if it falls, so too will all the other dominoes. What is required is a third party. But not just any third party. The core message of this new party will be that if elected, the nation will be dissolved and a new nation will immediately replace the old one. The new nation will repudiate all debts of the old one (both public and private) and all existing laws will also be terminated, to be replaced with new (and many fewer) laws. It would of course require a period of time after the election to determine the nature of the new system of government, constitution, bill of rights and which laws are to be maintained.

Such a third party, were it to capture even 10% of public support, would start to have an effect in the bond markets that the enemy is so very reliant upon. As it is, the Fed is by far the largest purchaser of government debt. Should public support start to reach 25%, it is hard to imagine that anyone would buy a Treasury note. And when that market collapses, the game is over. We would not even have to get to the actual election to deal the enemy a mortal blow.

When the game ends, those who had the foresight to get out of dollars and into precious metals, real estate, certain stocks and other hard assets will survive the transition period from this currency to that which becomes its replacement.

il y a 4080 jours
Début de l'article :A group of Swiss academics have recently launched a petition to call for the protection of academic independence. Personally I think it’s gone well past the point where protection is the apposite term, given the extent to which the function of Universities has been eroded over the last 4 decades. But we have to start somewhere. Please read their petition below and sign at the relevant web page for yourself: (English) http://zuercher-appell.ch/index_en.php (Deutsch) http://zuercher-appell.ch/inde... Lire la suite
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