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China's Air Transport Data Shows Recovery as a "Manmade" Promise

IMG Auteur
Publié le 10 août 2013
484 mots - Temps de lecture : 1 - 1 minutes
( 1 vote, 5/5 ) , 1 commentaire
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: China's GDP figures are "man-made" and therefore unreliable, said the country's head of government, according to U.S. diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks.

Right. So why then, is the media harping on it?

Federal Reserve exit strategies, incessantly explained to us , are based around economic activity recovering...

Check out this Chinese engine of debt (which saw blow-off top style exuberantly peaky growth in Q1 supply of currency & credit)

... errr we mean locomotive of verdant growth:

24hGold -  China's Air Transpo...

Source: caac.gov.cn

So if marginal real global growth for all big economies is ... ummm NEGATIVE, then the tapering of printing this September (for purely ) will aid a market collapse...

And the metals will sense the inevitable planner reaction to such a "crisis," a reaction which will be "desperately needed" to re-paper over the ugly state of affairs.

How do you think will that play against the rediculous shortgage of gold offered on markets, after some believed "recovery," and sold Eastward?

24hGold -  China's Air Transpo...

Mike Maloney explains the chart above, along with his "Smoking Gun"

Do not believe in a recovery with only jobs for the over-55 crowd being added (and as well, most of which are part time).

24hGold -  China's Air Transpo...

While saving in gold and silver terms is viable anytime it's in the (because we do not know the moment of a potential re/devaluation), we would be remiss not to get excited about a rare opportunity of low price, big shortage, AND the transient summer's "media sunshine"

: China's GDP figures are "man-made" and therefore unreliable, said the country's head of government, according to U.S. diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks.

Right. So why then, is the media harping on it?

Federal Reserve exit strategies, incessantly explained to us , are based around economic activity recovering...

Check out this Chinese engine of debt (which saw blow-off top style exuberantly peaky growth in Q1 supply of currency & credit)

... errr we mean locomotive of verdant growth:

24hGold -  China's Air Transpo...

Source: caac.gov.cn

So if marginal real global growth for all big economies is ... ummm NEGATIVE, then the tapering of printing this September (for purely ) will aid a market collapse...

And the metals will sense the inevitable planner reaction to such a "crisis," a reaction which will be "desperately needed" to re-paper over the ugly state of affairs.

How do you think will that play against the rediculous shortgage of gold offered on markets, after some believed "recovery," and sold Eastward?

24hGold -  China's Air Transpo...

Mike Maloney explains the chart above, along with his "Smoking Gun"

Do not believe in a recovery with only jobs for the over-55 crowd being added (and as well, most of which are part time).

24hGold -  China's Air Transpo...

While saving in gold and silver terms is viable anytime it's in the (because we do not know the moment of a potential re/devaluation), we would be remiss not to get excited about a rare opportunity of low price, big shortage, AND the transient summer's "media sunshine"

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Nice yer reposting Maloney's original work here,

But don'tcha think your readers would get more out of the articles WITH the links (Butler and Hamilton get their links in-article).

The credibility is removed (ex: Reuters) when you scrub the links off.

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Nice yer reposting Maloney's original work here, But don'tcha think your readers would get more out of the articles WITH the links (Butler and Hamilton get their links in-article). The credibility is removed (ex: Reuters) when you scrub the links off.  Lire la suite
researchwc - 11/08/2013 à 03:14 GMT
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