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Neo-Con War Addiction Threatens Our Future

IMG Auteur
Publié le 25 mars 2013
655 mots - Temps de lecture : 1 - 2 minutes
( 20 votes, 4,3/5 ) , 5 commentaires
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William Kristol knows what is wrong with the United States. As he wrote recently in the flagship magazine of the neo-conservatives, the Weekly Standard, the problem with the US is that we seem to have lost our appetite for war. According to Kristol, the troubles that have befallen us in the 20th century have all been the result of these periodic bouts of war-weariness, a kind of virus that we catch from time to time.

He claims because of the US "drawdown" in Europe after World War II, Stalin subjugated Eastern Europe. Because of war weariness the United States stopped bombing Southeast Asia in the 1970s, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. War weariness through the 1990s led to Rwanda, Milosevic, and the rise of the Taliban. It was our fault for not fighting on! According to Kristol, our failure to act as the policeman of the world is why we were attacked on September 11, 2001. Of the 1990s, he wrote, "[t]hat decade of not policing the world ended with 9/11."

That revisionism is too much even for fellow neo-conservatives like Paul Wolfowitz to swallow. In a 2003 interview, Wolfowitz admitted that it was the presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia that led to the growth of al-Qaeda:

"(W)e can now remove almost all of our forces from Saudi Arabia. Their presence there over the last 12 years has been a source of enormous difficulty for a friendly government. It's been a huge recruiting device for al Qaeda. In fact if you look at bin Laden, one of his principle grievances was the presence of so-called crusader forces on the holy land, Mecca and Medina."

But for Kristol and his allies there is never enough war. According to a new study by Brown University, the US invasion of Iraq cost some 190,000 lives, most of them non-combatants. It has cost more than $1.7 trillion, and when all is said and done including interest the cost may well be $6 trillion. Some $212 billion was spent on Iraqi reconstruction with nothing to show for it. Total deaths from US war on Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan have been at least 329, 000. None of this is enough for Kristol.

The neo-con ideology promotes endless war, but neo-cons fight their battles with the blood of others. From the comfortable, subsidized offices of magazines like the Weekly Standard, the neo-conservatives urge the United States to engage in endless war - to be fought by the victims of the "poverty draft" from states where there are few jobs. Ironically, these young people cannot find more productive work because the Federal Reserve's endless money printing to keep the war machine turning has destroyed our economy. The six trillion dollars that will be spent on the Iraq war are merely pieces of printed paper that further erode the dollar's purchasing power now and well into the future. It is the inflation tax, which is the most regressive and cruel of all.

Yes, Americans are war weary, concedes Kristol. But he does not blame the average American. The real problem is that the president has dropped the ball on terrifying Americans with the lies and imaginary threats that led to the invasion of Iraq. Writes Kristol: "One can't, for example, be surprised at the ebbing support of the American public for the war in Afghanistan years after the president stopped trying to mobilize their support, stopped heralding the successes of the troops he'd sent there, and stopped explaining the importance of their mission."

If only we had more war propaganda from the highest levels of government we could be cured of this war-weariness. Ten years ago the US invaded Iraq under the influence of neo-conservative lies. Those lies continued to promote US military action in places like Libya, and next on their agenda is Syria and then on to Iran. It is time for the American people to shout "enough!"

Données et statistiques pour les pays mentionnés : Afghanistan | Iran | Pakistan | Tous
Cours de l'or et de l'argent pour les pays mentionnés : Afghanistan | Iran | Pakistan | Tous
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Rumsfeld was certainly addicted to some sort of Meds when he was describing " known Knowns ,unknown Knowns" and who effing "knows unknown Unknowns" or some other jibberish he was sprouting on TV one day.
How the bloody hell do these morons get a gig?

Even the Public swallows it all up and sends their youth off to fight so called terrorists in lands that they can't even identify on an Atlas.
Evaluer :   4  2Note :   2
All I have is some empirical evidence.
Countries that mind their own business seem to only have internal problems. They might have a bit of saber rattling from next door over some silly thing, but no threats from the other side of the world.

Fear is the mind killer. But it doesn't hurt to have a small and highly qualified military equipped with the best weapons diffused across the countryside. Just in case the bad neighbor next door comes knocking at your door. Oh, your door is NOT on the other side of the world.
Evaluer :   5  2Note :   3
Ron Paul hates war, all wars.....well, not all wars.

He approved of the South initiating war against the North in 1860 to protect slavery. That war was okay, really dandy even. So wars are fine and proper if they're cloaked in some kind of secession garb - and nevermine the internal repressions of individual liberty those garbs cover.

Evaluer :   8  5Note :   3
Ron Paul is all too kind in his critique of that irritating little neocon twit, Bill Kristol. It seems as if no amount of flag draped coffins or wounded and maimed veterans returning from our endless wars satisfies the blood lust of Kristol and his ilk. Not surprisingly, neither Kristol nor most of his foaming at the mouth comrades have ever served a day of their lives wearing the uniform. But, of course, it's just fine to send tens of thousands of our young people from impoverish rural communities and devastated factory towns to suffer and sacrifice in furthering Kristol's grandiose delusions. Unfortunately, Kristol will see his agenda unfold with Syria and Iran now in the crosshairs and most probably Russia and China after that. Bill Kristol is a disgusting, smug, arrogant popinjay and a punk.
Evaluer :   10  3Note :   7
There is much about Ron Paul that I like, but when he addresses foreign policy, the wheels come off the cart--and that is what hurts him and most Libertarians when seeking higher elected office. While conservatives can find much to agree with in the Libertarians approach to domestic affairs, crazy 'blame America first' or 'if we would only leave and/or be nice to to everyone, they would love us' talk is just plain stupid and uninformed. I'm no fan of William Kristol, and I could agree with pulling back with regard to our foreign affairs and military efforts (but not against Al Qaeda--they need to die WHEREVER they are found), the notion of 'Fortress America' as a way to advance our national interests is backward, dumb, ill-advised, and completely out of touch. As someone said years ago, "You might not be interested in war, but war is interested in you." It is best to be strong and ahead of curve. Kristol is right in that, ever since the end of WWII, we've wanted to win wars as conclusively and decisively as we did that war--but we don't want to kill our enemies as conclusively and decisively as we were more than willing to do back then. If you're not willing to rise to the same level of violence being employed against you by your opponent, then your opponent will win. Bottomline: running back home to Fortress America will not work. Ron Paul has great domestic ideas, but lapses off into crazy-talk and La-la land when it comes to foreign policy. Too bad.
Evaluer :   3  12Note :   -9
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Rumsfeld was certainly addicted to some sort of Meds when he was describing " known Knowns ,unknown Knowns" and who effing "knows unknown Unknowns" or some other jibberish he was sprouting on TV one day. How the bloody hell do these morons get a gig? Ev  Lire la suite
S W. - 27/03/2013 à 08:32 GMT
Note :  4  2
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