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Surviving the Chaos: Pickles and Guns

IMG Auteur
Publié le 19 août 2011
633 mots - Temps de lecture : 1 - 2 minutes
( 5 votes, 5/5 ) , 2 commentaires
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Two bits of news today... One good, one bad.

First, the good: a follow-up on my canning project with my friend Jenny. It was a success, and it was a lot of fun! The only problem now is that I smell like garlic and vinegar. Could be worse, eh?

The second bit of news is a bit unnerving. My mom called yesterday afternoon to tell me that someone stole her wallet. She works at a community college in Maryland, and had left her desk to check on some students.

By the time she got back, her wallet was missing. She immediately canceled her credit cards and got in touch with her bank.

Within 20-25 minutes, someone had tried to use her bank card, and it had been rejected, thankfully.

But here's the interesting part... The first thing whoever took her wallet tried to do was pay a cellphone bill. That's even scarier than just some kid trying to buy an expensive pair of sneakers or a big-screen TV.

Folks are getting desperate.

High unemployment, high food costs, high fuel costs -- people are being forced to make difficult decisions, and now some people are resorting to theft.

I'm not excusing these folks by any means. I'm trying to warn you that things could get much worse.

Crime in America is going to explode. It already is in some neighborhoods... even my mom's. Her neighbor's car was broken into and a work bag was stolen. His laptop was long gone. A coworker's car window was smashed at a local -- and private -- golf course and her purse was stolen.

Protecting your property is getting harder and harder.

Now my mom will have to jump through all kinds of hoops to get a new bank card, ID and health insurance policy.

On the chat rooms and on the comments pages of these high-profile flash-mob stories, people are clamoring for a national concealed handgun law. I've seen comments like, "Thank God I live in Texas." People are ready to defend themselves.

Crime in America Pays

Indeed, look at how well one gunmaker is doing since the beginning of the year...

Over the past 52 weeks, Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. (RGR:NYSE) has climbed more than 112%. Operating and profit margins look great for the most-recent quarter, and the company has no debt.

No wonder, with quarterly revenues up 23.7% year-over-year. In fact, RGR has averaged 17% growth in earnings over the past four quarters. This is a solid company that's still a great value, even as it's hitting fresh highs.

RGR is a great defensive stock in more ways than one. In fall, 2008, the company traded at a low of $5.91 per share. Nine months later, the stock was trading at $14.26.

Share prices didn't stop there. Now shares are headed for $30 a share, and the economic and fear-laced situation isn't letting up anytime soon.

Ruger stock is heading into uncharted waters. Analysts see great things for this stock over the next year, but where prices end up is anyone's guess. Could RGR hit $60 a share? Maybe... We don't know for sure.

Revenue estimates are predicting a huge bump up this year, from $255.21 million in 2010 to $298.91 million in 2011, and $320.25 million in 2012.

At the rate RGR is besting earnings estimates, these numbers are well within reach.

Editor's Note: Taipan is raising a red flag. One of our insiders -- a U.S. dollar expert -- believes the U.S. will very soon see riots like those we saw in London.

Anything could be the trigger that sets off these riots.

Sara Nunnally

Taipan Publishing Group


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I have been having the same experience. This year, my babysitter of ten years took thousands of dollars of jewelry from me and some sterling, as well as other items. Recently, my camera has been stolen from my home. Only a few people - such as my housekeeper or my new babysitter - could be responsible, but I can't pin it down. I am beginning to feel that I do not want anyone but very close friends or family members to come into my home. I am certain the economy is the issue here. I never had these experiences before.
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sara khazar Lire la suite
onesimus - 19/08/2011 à 20:18 GMT
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