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Cours Or & Argent en

The 2018 Stock Market Bubble vs. Gold & Silver

IMG Auteur
Publié le 12 janvier 2018
257 mots - Temps de lecture : 0 - 1 minutes
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Rubrique : Or et Argent

The U.S. Stock Market is reaching its biggest bubble in history.  When the price of the Dow Jones Index only moves in one direction… UP, it is setting up for one heck of a crash.  While market corrections aren’t fun for investors’ portfolios, they are NECESSARY.  However, it seems that corrections are no longer allowed to take place because if they did, then the tremendous leverage in the market might turn a normal correction into panic selling and a meltdown on the exchanges.

So, we continue to see the Dow Jones Index hit new record highs, as it moved up 765 points since the beginning of the year.  Now, if w go back to 1981 when the Dow was trading about 800 points, it took five years to double itself by another 800 points.  However, the Dow Jones Index just added 765 points in less than two weeks.  It doesn’t matter if the (1) point increase in the Dow Jones today is insignificant compared to a (1) point increase in 1981, investors feel rich when the numbers are increasing in a BIG WAY.

This is the same phenomenon taking place in the Bitcoin-Crypto Market.  Crypto investors who are used to 10-20 baggers (10-20 times increase) no longer have the patience to invest in a real company that might grow on a 10-25% basis annually.  Why the hell put money in a real business that employees a lot of people when you can turn $1,000 into $50 million in a few weeks?

Read Full Article At SRSrocco Report

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