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The Global Race for Shale Development Is On

IMG Auteur
Publié le 19 juin 2013
336 mots - Temps de lecture : 0 - 1 minutes
( 4 votes, 4/5 ) , 7 commentaires
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Rubrique : Editoriaux

Guess who the US Energy Information Agency (EIA) says has 430% more proven gas reserves than the US?

Guess who has twice as much as the US in shale gas technically recoverable?

Guess who has over twice as much proven oil reserves as the US?

The EIA recently published a 730-page report which assesses the shale formations of 41 countries. The global race for shale development has started. Countries that are not now known for their oil and gas production are showing much shale oil and gas promise.

Would you be surprised to know that China has more proven oil reserves than the US?

If you want to know the answers to the three questions we have at the beginning of this missive, then I believe you will be interested in the Casey Energy Report's plans on profiting from the global shale race. If you thought the US was the king of shale, we are sorry to burst your bubble… it no longer wears the crown.

A picture is worth a thousand words:

Now, do you know how to make money from the global shale race? Countries like China, Argentina, and Russia are starting to exploit their unconventional energy sources. The global race for shale development and exploitation is on, and fortunes will made. Make sure you are well informed before you place your bets on this global race, as fortune will favor the bold – but the informed will fare much better.

Casey Research was the first in the business to publish a report on the potential of the European shales, years before the EIA came out with this report. Our subscribers made over 600% gains on Cuadrilla Resources, which just recently completed a deal with Centrica that valued the company in the hundreds of millions. Been there, done that.

What's next? We are so sure that you will be absolutely satisfied with our Casey Energy Report that we have no hesitations in giving you a 100%-money-back guarantee. Sign up today for a free trial.

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All of this is irrelevant as far as the U.S. goes until someone (powers that be) decide to open up and ease into the world of fracking. We all know China wont hesitate for a minute if the technology becomes mainstream.
I might add that there is not one single solid piece of scientific evidence that fracking is harmful to the water aquifers or the environment in general.
Evaluer :   2  4Note :   -2
Good grief Martin, get your mom or your wife to fix your hair before you leave home! The opinion of an individual that looks like he woke up in a gutter doesn't garner much respect.
Evaluer :   7  4Note :   3
Typical mindless response from you - attacking the individual rather than the content. But I understand: the fallacy of Peak Oil is something you and the back to nature radical environmentalists don't wish to hear.
Evaluer :   7  2Note :   5
Wow, that comment is blatantly more ignorant than most you come out with Jim. My comment was not an attack, if you took your head out of you're posterior you'd see it for what it is, a recommendation to clean up his looks if he wants to be taken seriously. But here's a question, since when do YOU have the right to harass anyone else about making personal attacks considering that's all you do in your posts. When was the last time to made a valid criticism of a JHK or Ron Paul article? You spend 90% of you're comments slamming them personally for their beliefs.

You should tread carefully when judging others, you more than anyone in these forums are guilty of personal attacks.

As far as my being a radical environmentalist, wow. That shot isn't even on the target let alone near the center. You really have no grasp when it comes to human relations do you? You certainly read me completely wrong. But that's all I or any reader of these forums can expect from someone who tries to smear others for doing exactly what you do. You're a mixed up individual Jim. See someone and get back on the meds.


The article has value, there was no criticism of the article in my comment because it was useful to see how the shale oil reserves are distributed globally and there was really nothing that needed to be said about it.
Evaluer :   7  3Note :   4
Whoa Jimmy C. You must have wireless interwebs in that thar trailer you have parked in the Wlamart parking lot. It's a shame you waste it on shooting others for your crimes instead of using it for something useful like, say educating yourself.

Hart has a point, Mr. Katusa could learn a lot about looking respectable and using looks to establish credibility instead of looking like a punk.
Evaluer :   7  3Note :   4
Jim C, you state - "Typical mindless response from you - attacking the individual rather than the content". Jim C, when have you not done what you chastise Hart for? Really your nothing but a mindless moron trying to bad mouth those you don't like, your worse than a bunch of 13 year olds who have managed to get out of earshot of their mothers and are now going to talk like the grown ups. Hart has taken you to task for your moronic comments and you hate him for it so just like 24hgold contributors you don't like you now try to slander him. If you had any decency you would have agreed that MK needs to clean himself up and stop trying to fit in with mall rats. He's a grown up presenting material to grown up's, the least he could do was look professional. The least you can do is keep your mouth shut when your more guilty of an offense than the individual you chose to malign. Your comment "the fallacy of Peak Oil is something you and the back to nature radical environmentalists don't wish to hear." is also screwed up. I don't know a single environmentalist tree hugger that isn't happy about the peak oil issue. Re-read your comments before you hit the Add your comment button.
Evaluer :   6  2Note :   4
You guys are right. Jim C only attacks the authors here in a childish and transparent attempt to discredit the article. The exact same thing he criticized Hart for. My 8 year old laughs every time I show her one of Jims comments, she calls him the boob! It's unfortunate but the internet permits people like Jim to spread their misery without taking responsibility for the content.
Evaluer :   7  2Note :   5
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All of this is irrelevant as far as the U.S. goes until someone (powers that be) decide to open up and ease into the world of fracking. We all know China wont hesitate for a minute if the technology becomes mainstream. I might add that there is not o  Lire la suite
samking73 - 19/06/2013 à 21:47 GMT
Note :  2  4
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