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Obamacare is now the Obama Tax

IMG Auteur
Publié le 02 juillet 2012
388 mots - Temps de lecture : 0 - 1 minutes
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SUIVRE : Justice
Rubrique : Opinions et Analyses





It’s official. President George Bush’s Supreme Court appointee Chief Justice John Roberts has sided with the liberal-leaning members of the court and upheld the key provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

While the government can’t force Americans to buy any particular good or service, the Supreme Court’s landmark decision essentially says that your failure to purchase health care will require a tax penalty, thus leaving you with no other option if you want to avoid being taxed.

As bad as this is, a long-time White House Insider doesn’t necessarily see this is a complete loss for individual responsibility and liberty, but rather, a motivator that will catalyze opposition to Obama’s reelection hopes:

And the initial reports I’m getting are telling me there was a lot more clever going on inside that decision than the initial reaction will indicate. It’s the Obama Tax now. And states were given an out. The entire law is a big ass convoluted mess and the ruling has reinforced that fact. Obama will have to defend something he doesn’t understand, and Romney can now sit back and just repeat over and over againrepeal-repeal-repeal”.

You can call bullsh-t on me here and I’ll understand if you do but I’m telling you right up this ruling today is GOOD NEWS. Politically, as a motivator, it’s great news. Watch contributions toward Republicans jump up even more than they already were. Watch the Obama White House have to face very hard questions over the Obamacare tax issue. Watch states rise up to challenge the administration using the weapon the Supreme Court placed in their hands to do so. Watch the Tea Party come back stronger and more powerful than ever.

The giant has woken up. Country needed a hard kick in the ass to remind us what is at stake in November. Now we are truly ready to fight.

Source: The Ulsterman Report

A large percentage of Americans were already up in arms about the prospect of being forced to purchase health care. Now that it’s clear that what is happening is another government mandated tax, we suspect a massive outcry leading into the election.

We are not, however, convinced that a President Romney administration would act to end Obamacare if they are victorious in November, though his campaign is already calling for repeal.



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