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When the Riots Start the Government’s Response Will Be Brutal *Video*

IMG Auteur
Publié le 10 octobre 2012
584 mots - Temps de lecture : 1 - 2 minutes
( 14 votes, 3,6/5 ) , 3 commentaires
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SUIVRE : Europe
Rubrique : Editoriaux





That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

July 4, 1776

Last week, when hundreds of thousands of people in Madrid, Barcelona and throughout Spain protested, rioted, rebelled and called for the forced resignation of every one of their parliamentary representatives and the formation of a new government, the silence from global mainstream media was deafening.

With jobless rates for those between the ages of 20 and 35 exceeding 50%, further social spending measures promised by the government, and tens of billions in handouts being transferred to large financial institutions in the broader Euro Zone, those impoverished by the economic collapse of the last four years would not be silenced.

They took the streets in droves. They rushed their parliament building, forcing representatives to barricade themselves inside. They confronted their government head on.

And for their transgressions, they were indiscriminately fired upon, beaten, and bloodied by riot police; men, women, young, old, it mattered not to the policing arm of the global elite.

Let this be a warning, America, because these riots will soon be making their way across the Atlantic ocean to our shores.

Video compliments of Alexander Higgins (with narration by Judge Andrew Napolitano) via Above Top Secret:

The people of Europe have not yet seen the full brunt of their government’s capabilities. Neither have Americans.

We need only look to the middle east for a taste of what is to come should things really go critical. As we noted during the Egyptian uprising last year, it is best to stay home once the rioting starts (graphic video), because bullets will be flying and government enforcement officials will stop at nothing to regain control.

Do not make the mistake of thinking that police or military personnel will take the side of the American people. Some may. But history and current events suggest otherwise – of course they will fire on American citizens. And if you’re caught out in the open, you’ll be on your own.

We know the US government considers those attending any anti-government gatherings, whether they be Occupy or Tea Party protests, to be activities related to domestic terrorism. For now, the police have been subdued compared to the actions of their counterparts in Europe, but so too have America’s protesters.

But when those 100 hundred million Americans dependent on government re-distributions have their benefits cut as has been done throughout Europe recently, or prices for essential goods like food and gas reach levels that make them impossible to acquire by the majority, we can fully expect a total breakdown of law and order, especially in America’s major metropolitan areas.

What’s different about America compared to Europe, however, is that our government is actively preparing for this contingency, having introduced laws through legislative action, as well as by executive order, that are specifically designed to stifle free speech in public areas, detain indefinitely and reeducate those who act against the national interests of the United States, and eliminate permanently those who cannot be pacified.

Government plans for mass casualty events are being enacted as we speak, and domestic policing forces are stocking up on riot gear and hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition.

They know it’s coming.

Are we ready for it?



Source : www.shtfplan.com
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Jimmy C,
"The Founding Fathers intended equality of opportunity -- not free access to the labor of others."
700 billion to keep the elite bankers in business is what they told us. 16 trillion handed out globally to banks!
No problem the ones that are left working can pickup the tab.
" I'm speaking generally of the Occupy movement here that may have started out well but has degenerate into anarchy and violence."
The only true violence was caused by the government when squelching the protesting.
Please .please read something other than what the propaganda media whores put out to keep you in their reality.
America is gone and it wasn't because of poor people. It's the criminals with the money which they have a monopoly to create feeding you that bull. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, its by design. Not accident!
Evaluer :   13  4Note :   9
Marc Salvo is correct in reminding us that the government protects our innate rights and that, should it become destructive thereof, the people have the right to abolish/amend it by violence if necessary -- using violence when violence is used upon them.

Yet care must be taken. Some people define their innate rights as including free medical, food, gas, housing, minimum wage, etc -- and when such is not forthing coming they pound their chests, vandalize small businesses, attack police, defecate in public. I'm speaking generally of the Occupy movement here that may have started out well but has degenerate into anarchy and violence.

The Founding Fathers intended equality of opportunity -- not free access to the labor of others.

Until we return to the original intent of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence any rush to join in violence must be questioned -- something Marc Salvo all too easily glosses over.
Evaluer :   13  12Note :   1
It is hard to put the horses back in the coral after the gate has been open or putting all the down back in the pillow after a hurricane. When spoiled children a given their candy or gift every time they go to the store or supermarket it becomes an expectation of “right” and so it is difficult to halt the habit. This is the main problem with social charity, especially cash payments and medical reimbursement. The social experiments in Europe and the USA will come to an end; however it will be after much protest, unrest and withdrawal syndromes. Very few ever ask “where does the money come from?”. It is as if each and every recipient is a small petty thief desiring something for nothing. If their was such a think as something for nothing then we wouldn't need someone to pay our ransom to enter Gods kingdom. We could just go with all our faults and errors.
It does make sense for those in the streets to say “why have you given money to the banks and other large companies and not us” and “I paid into the pot so now it is time to make a withdrawal.” Ignorance is bliss.
If the political leaders ever see the error of this type of charity they surly just try to maintain it and pass the problem on to the next “leader”. Obama must toss and turn at night weighting the situation “Do I want to continue to play king and suffer the up coming headaches or get out while the getting is good” I think Sarkozy in France, who shot himself in the foot, decided to get out.
Here is a video of the same situation in Spain which the protesters fought back with cameras: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7spGtXJ-DOM&feature=youtu.be
Evaluer :   8  1Note :   7
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Jimmy C, "The Founding Fathers intended equality of opportunity -- not free access to the labor of others." 700 billion to keep the elite bankers in business is what they told us. 16 trillion handed out globally to banks! No problem the ones that are le  Lire la suite
prljr - 10/10/2012 à 19:21 GMT
Note :  13  4
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