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Cowing the Population

IMG Auteur
Publié le 18 août 2011
1017 mots - Temps de lecture : 2 - 4 minutes
( 8 votes, 4,8/5 ) , 1 commentaire
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SUIVRE : Big Brother
Rubrique : Editoriaux





The noose around Washington, D.C.’s neck continues to tighten, with no clear way to remove it. Behind the scenes, there is undoubtedly a rising sense of panic. That’s bad. The last thing you want is panicky people operating the far-reaching power levers of the state.

But if push does come to shove, history teaches us, the government will not hesitate to clamp down on its subjects by whatever means necessary to preserve itself. And the best way to mute resistance is to prepare citizens ahead of time for escalating levels of police control. An enhanced law enforcement presence must be accepted as the new normal. But rest assured, it’s “for our own good.”

That disclaimer has been used to hoodwink decent folk forever. But the truth is, what’s really up is the application of the time-tested political axiom that the more fearful people are, the easier they are to control. We’ve seen this principle at work for years. Politicians continually pass more intrusive laws; and police take increasing liberties with our rights, content that the courts will back them up… which they have done, as spineless judges hand them larger and larger cartes blanche to act however they please. The first ten amendments to the Constitution have been largely gutted. The things the Founders cared most passionately about have been tossed into the dustbin.

We’re told: that our homes are no longer safe from no-knock entries, and warrants be damned (precisely the abuse that most riled the revolutionary colonists); that we should rat out our neighbors at the first sign that something is “amiss,” just as in any communist state you care to mention; and that it should be regarded as okay that warrants of all kinds are commonly served by gangs of helmeted thugs, covered with body armor and toting a dizzying array of lethal weapons.

Readers of a certain age will remember when the police were called peace officers, as their job was primarily to maintain the peace. Who’s heard that quaint term lately? No, now they are law enforcement officers, and they are at war with a widening swath of the citizenry. And the targets of overwhelming force are not just murderers and rapists and armed robbers. SWAT teams are routinely dispatched to deal with bickering spouses, zoned-out pot smokers, parking ticket violators, and those delinquent in loan payments.

Make no mistake about it: Authorities around the country have gotten the message from Washington that a complaisant populace is required. And they’re dutifully applying the heat. It may seem odd that they’re going after ever less-violent people, but it makes perfect sense. It’s in the government’s interest to suggest that all of us are potential suspects.

Take, for instance, the case of Rawesome Foods in California, a private buying club dedicated to bringing the most wholesome, natural food products to its members. Does that sound like a criminal conspiracy? It did to local and federal officials, who staged a joint SWAT-style raid on the club last week. Without a warrant, officers entered the storefront, seized cash, destroyed inventory, and jailed the club’s founder.

But if those in power are really serious about creating a docile population, there is absolutely no better way to go about it than criminalizing children. Yes, children.

No, I’m not talking about SWAT raids here. But in a way, this is even more insidious, because the effort is directed at teaching kids at an early age that Big Brother is always watching and that you’d better be sure you obey the letter of every law (as if anyone could possibly know what they all are) or you’re in for trouble with the Man.

This has been – and I swear I am not making this up – the summer of the lemonade-stand bust. Yep, children’s lemonade stands have been closed down in states all over the country, including California, Oregon, and Texas – and even, astonishingly, in such bedrock, sensible-values American heartland states as Wisconsin and Iowa.

The latest of these important police actions came in small-town Georgia, where the local cops advised the kids in question that they had to cease and desist from selling their lemonade until they forked over $50 a day for a business license. Watch this news report only if you have a strong stomach and your outrage button is not easily pushed.

That video is instructive in oh so many wonderful ways.

First, take a good look at the head cop as she explains their actions. “The law is the law” is about as close as you can get to “I was only following orders.” Squint your eyes a little. She’d look perfect decked out in SS lightning bolts, wouldn’t she?

Next, consider the little girl who says, “… but we had to listen to the cops.” She’s learned her lesson.

Then there’s mom. We’re sure that if she were one of our readers that stand would’ve been up and running the next day, and every day until the police were forced to take those kids to court over this. But not here. This mom is backing away from the issue, saying, “I’m trying to teach my kids good, and I don’t think it’ll teach ‘em good if I keep on an’ on with this.” Right, the lesson wasn’t only for the children.

Finally, in addition to instilling fear of authority in our most impressionable citizens, there’s an added kicker to this incident. What better way to kill the entrepreneurial spirit in its cradle and set us up for the day when we all work for the state?

Question: What’s the point when we finally announce that we’re not going to take it any more? If that point isn’t when they go after our kids, then there isn’t one.

 [Not only is now a good time to stock up on physical silver, the increase in demand will likely drive up silver producers’ stock prices. Casey International Speculator provides insights on the most promising junior companies in the U.S. and Canada, as well as worldwide. As always, a trial subscription is risk-free for ninety days.]



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The government borrows pretty much 50% of what it spends, and is on the way to bankruptcy. My hope is that the lack of funding will stop these insanities
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The government borrows pretty much 50% of what it spends, and is on the way to bankruptcy. My hope is that the lack of funding will stop these insanities Lire la suite
FLYTOX - 18/08/2011 à 19:29 GMT
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