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Elizabeth Warren on Banks and Student Loans

IMG Auteur
Publié le 05 août 2014
108 mots - Temps de lecture : moins d'une minute
( 1 vote, 5/5 ) , 3 commentaires
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SUIVRE : Senator
Rubrique : Opinions et Analyses

From just last week, watch Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) grill Consumer Bankers Association CEO Richard Hunt on the slow progress being made by commercial banks to allow the discharge of student loan debt that was co-signed by parents or grandparents of children or grandchildren whose lives were cut short.

You have to wonder how long it will take for the culture and practices of Washington D.C. to wear down Ms. Warren. Most of what she advocates is simply common sense, however, most of this common sense runs counter to the vested interests of powerful forces that remain firmly in control of what goes on in the nation’s capital.

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My blog actually covers the immense fraud of higher education/student loans in pretty heavy detail. Google "Professor Doom" and "Black Secret of Higher Education" to find one of the more relevant posts.
Why is the Gov't loaning or guaranteeing loans made to college students to begin with? Is the Gov't a Bank?

I was unaware that the Gov't guaranteeing loans to individuals, or corporations, was Constitutional.

The Student College Loan Program to make college affordable is similar to the Affordable Care Act. They both are a collosal hoax. Far from making college affordable, student loans only cripple students financially while the colleges themselves rake off the gevernment funds as they merely raise the tuition costs. This bogus government "Student Benefit" program has all the hallmarks of our Jesuit rulers trying to boost funding to their 28 expensive private colleges in the US.

Likewise - far from making health care affordable by promoting competition with affordable, effective and safer natural remedies, it merely reinforces Monopoly Quack Medicine that steers the public into mostly ineffective, outrageously expensive and dangerous synthetic patented drugs that are foreign to the body, caustic and mostly useless chemotherapy and radiation, disfiguring surgery and mostly useless antibiotics and steroids because of their long-term disabling side effects.
Welcome to the United States of Deception.
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My blog actually covers the immense fraud of higher education/student loans in pretty heavy detail. Google "Professor Doom" and "Black Secret of Higher Education" to find one of the more relevant posts. Lire la suite
Doom - 07/08/2014 à 01:30 GMT
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