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Cours Or & Argent en
Membre depuis mai 2012
283 commentaires - suivi par 1 personne
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>We Wish  - James Howard Kunstler - 
On the other hand, lets allow companies to put more sugar and especially more chemicals into the things people drink at eat. Fat, heck ya load it up and slap a couple extra pieces of processed cheese and four or five slabs of bacon on it for good measure. Let’s encourage everyone, especially children in elementary schools to start filling up on garbage as much as possible because you know, vegetables just don't taste good and we should always be allowed to do what we want when we want no matter what the end result will be years later. Common Jimmy, lets head on down to Walmart and grab all the grease laden, salt jacked junk food we can and then sit in front of the big screen also purchased at Walmart to watch brainless TV shows while feeding on the wonders that chemical cooking has given us. While we’re watching that TV, built off shore, lets slam back more of the sugar loaded drinks and complain about how them there foreigners have stolen our jobs. Let’s poke fun at those people out there working as we drive your big old SUV down to the government office to pick up our welfare checks. Then it’s back in front of the TV for today’s gripping MSNBC top news stories showing those people over there somewhere that always complain when Amerika tries to bring them democracy by killing their kids with drones. What are they, nuts? Don’t they know the Amerikan life style is the greatest this earth has ever seen?

After a few months living the life we can always head down to the hospital where free medical aid will help get our blood vessels opened up again so we have the energy to head over to Walmart where we can fill up on some junk food. Dang, it just doesn’t get any better than this. Eat like morons because technology will be there to get us out of the mess we create and the government will always be there with our welfare checks because there are an endless supply of rich people that the government can tax. And hey, we’ll never have to worry about the banks raiding our accounts because we don’t have money in the bank, we outsmarted them and filled our basement with junk food.

Why on earth would anyone ever want to live a sustainable life style and accept responsibility for their own actions when the government will be there to take care of you? Ah, the Amerikan dream

Now run along Jim, be a good Obama worshipper and turn in your guns.

il y a 4024 jours
Début de l'article :Wishful thinking now runs so thick and deep across the USA that our hopes for a credible future are being drowned in a tidal wave of yellow smiley-face stories recklessly issued by institutions that ought to know better. A case in point is the Charles C. Mann's tragically dumb cover story in the current Atlantic magazine -- "We Will Never Run Out of Oil" * -- setting out in great detail the entire panoply of techno-narcissistic "solutions" to our energy predicament. Another case in point was sen... Lire la suite
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