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Membre depuis mai 2012
283 commentaires - suivi par 1 personne
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>Words That Got a Congressman Deported  - Tom DiLorenzo - lewRockwell
You keep purposely avoiding the point. While no one here (that I've seen) myself included would call those who promoted and fought to keep slaves hero's, the point of all you posts on Lincoln is to glorify him as the saviour of the slaves. Point of fact, I abhor even the thought of slavery and would never extol the virtues of anyone promoting it. What I and everyone else here keeps trying to tell you is that Lincoln is every bit as guilty as the southerners when slavery is discussed. He did not fight the war to free slaves, by your own words, he did not have the support to do so, (as recorded in historical documents his soldiers would not have gone to battle to die freeing slaves as they felt nothing but contempt for them) by his own words it didn't matter if the slaves were freed or not. The war was about control, nothing more, of the trade taking place in the south and the fact the north was missing out on money it considered as there's.

You label Robert E. Lee a slave owner, well you better include Lincoln in that category as well since his in-laws were slave owners making his wife, and he himself through marriage, a slave owner. Find me some historical evidence that good ole Abe told his wife and her family to free their slaves and we might have some common ground but lacking this evidence he remains labeled a slave owner, hence he cannot be called a hero nor can it be claimed that he fought the war to free slaves.

il y a 3968 jours
Début de l'article :Congressman Clement L. Vallandigham (D-Ohio) was the original American "whistleblower." Serving as a member of Congress from Dayton, Ohio during the War to Prevent Southern Independence, his criticisms of the Lincoln regime earned him the reputation as the leader of the Democratic opposition. The Republican Party smeared him (and all other opponents as a "copperhead" (a.k.a. snake in the grass). On May ... Lire la suite
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