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Membre depuis mai 2012
283 commentaires - suivi par 1 personne
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A laissé un commentaire sur l'article :
>Between a Rock and a Laugh Track  - James howard Kunstler - 
Its bad enough that you've decided to back up Obama by taking issue with JHK posting about screwed up US foreign policy but then you once again go putting words in the mans mouth, commenting on something that is not covered in the piece that he hasn't posted. So just where did JHK advocate interference in the lives of Americans? I've never seen him come even close to such a boneheaded comment. In fact you know that he takes Obama to task for his ever increasing intrusion into the lives of US citizens.

So you could have cheered him n for having the guts to tell it like it is but instead you grumbled and farted till you could come up with something negative to post. Your like a conspiracy machine when it comes to JHK, you are always throwing out comments that are aimed at slandering him rather than commenting on what was posted.

Not so? Well then tell me where he said anything about strip malls and automobiles. It's all in your head Jim C. Like I said a long time ago, get back on the meds!

You're the problem Jim C.

il y a 3898 jours
Début de l'article :After the British parliament put the kibosh on following the American punishment brigade to Syria, and then NATO, and the UN wrinkled their noses at the project, well, that pretty much left President Obama to twist slowly, slowly in the wind — washed, rinsed, and hung out to dry. It looks like a watershed moment in the USA’s increasingly klutzy career as the world’s hall monitor... Lire la suite
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