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Membre depuis mai 2012
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>2012 Forecast: Bang and Whimper  - James Howard Kunstler - 
As far as I am concerned, the simple fact that he didn't endorse Ron Paul, means that his judgement isn't worth diddly-squat. Or is that what his soul is worth? I am sorry I even have these questions. If there was ever a clear cut case for stepping up and supporting the first real president in decades, it is now with Ron Paul. It takes decades for a set-up like we have in Mr. Paul. We are lucky, lucky people who have a good thing going with this opportunity. Speak up and ask people to take some time to see what RP is all about. If they will just look they will be hooked on honesty and liberty.

il y a 4529 jours
Début de l'article :There's a lot to be nervous about, even if you don't subscribe to the undercooked Mayan apocalypse lore moving through the gut of the Internet likea Staphylococcus-infected tamale. The casual observer might say that nothing seemed to give on the world scene in 2011 despite the Fukushima meltdown, the Arab Spring uproars,the train wreck of European finance, the disappearing act at MF Global, and the assorted injuries done to theKardashian brand by the giant walking dildo Kris Humphries... Lire la suite
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