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Membre depuis mai 2012
680 commentaires - suivi par 6 personnes
6 abonnées
A laissé un commentaire sur l'article :
>Lying or Just Stupid?  - James Howard Kunstler - 
The vast majority of oxygen thieves can't grasp the simple fact that the news media's income stream is from advertising.
Now factor in the tidbit that every hour of investigative journalism takes a bite out of the net profit.
Ergo, the press release is cheap and has applicable references.
Few will comprehend that the press release came from a biased advocate.

What makes things far worse is the intellectual laziness of these oxygen thieves.
As in ancient Rome, these plebs just want bread and circuses.
Critical thinking skills? That is so 1960-ish. Intelligent phones and tablets have surpassed the intellectual capabilities of the plebs who own them.
Even Morse code required more intellectual skill than Twitter.

I am completely disgusted.
But keep the articles coming Mr Kunstler. I don't feel so alone in my dismal analysis of this human(?) condition.

il y a 3694 jours
Début de l'article :It’s not always easy to define what exactly is wrong with America, but what ever it is, it’s huge. — Roel Ilargi Meijer, The Automatic Earth.com Nobody knows, from sea to shining sea, why we’re having all this trouble with our Republic. — Tom McGuane, Ninety-Two in the Shade Despite its Valley Girl origins, the simple term clueless turns out to be the most accurate descriptor for America’s degenerate zeitgeist. Nobody gets it — the “it” being a rather hefty bundle of issues ranging from our en... Lire la suite
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