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Membre depuis mars 2014
9 commentaires -
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>Say Goodbye to Normal  - James Howard Kunstler - 
J. Howie loves to rag on The Donald... but who is better? Who is not a puppet of the corporate swine? Aside from the possibility of Cruz, what is left is pretty depressing... and old Hilly-roach is a massively corrupt pig and one face of corporate/state corruption... Sanders has some great things to say, but when you add in all of his lunacy and other flaws... no way... so, Howie... who will YOU be supporting?

il y a 3210 jours
Début de l'article :T he tremors rattling markets are not exactly what they seem to be. A meme prevails that these movements represent a kind of financial peristalsis — regular wavelike workings of eternal progress toward an epic more of everything, especially profits! You can forget the supposedly “normal” cycles of the techno-industrial arrangement, which means, in particular, the business cycle of the standard economics textbooks. Those cycle are dying. They’re dying because there really are Limits to Growth and... Lire la suite
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