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Membre depuis septembre 2013
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>Consequences of a Trump Presidency - Steve Saville - Speculative Investor
Trump is running only in order to do these things - to stop globalization from decimating the country.
He has no other purpose in seeking office.

There is a world of difference between Trump and Clinton and those differences would be immediately apparent. Clinton has vowed to open our borders within her first 100 days in office. Trump supports immigration, but legal immigration. Remember when we were once a nation of laws? He does not intend to ban all Muslims, but wants the people who come in to be vetted and legal. Do you really want a flood of unknown immigrants and a gang-rape epidemic as they have in Europe? Do you have any idea what kind of violence is occurring in Europe, even to European men - and children? Trump does not plan to abandon these people. He wants them to be housed safely in the Middle East, in one of the rich Gulf States (they are doing nothing to help). Many are flooding into the US right now, so some will be housed here. Trump will help to rebuild their countries so they can return home when it is safe to do so. Why would you lament that? Don't they deserve to have their homelands restored? In Europe, they live mostly off the state. Most of them do not adapt well to the workforce. They have a lot of special problems. What is it in this that you desire for the US on a permanent basis? Exotic diseases and millions of people we cannot afford to support.... European governments are even throwing Europeans out of their homes to house migrants. Would you like to see Americans left homeless to accommodate foreigners? Let's try to be a little realistic - and try to care about the people of this country, not only the international community.

Working Americans need strict border control, as massive illegal immigration is depressing wages and pushing Americans out of work. Imagine how people will be impacted if Clinton opens the borders and they have to compete with millions more low-wage illegals (from Mexico and further south). Clinton is a globalist who will be focused on dismantling the country economically, militarily, our energy sector, our sovereignty, our constitution. If you honestly believe those things don't matter.... that there is no difference between Clinton and Trump.... well, I am dumbfounded.

TPP will institute corporate and globalist rule - from outside the country. If you think anyone is going to thrive in that environment you are mistaken. It gets worse from there. They will be bringing in foreigners en mass and intentionally forcing Americans out of work.

Obama has spent years unilaterally dismantling the country, doing whatever he wants to do. He is running an entirely illegal federal government that is engaging in egregious crimes against our economy and infrastructure, and infringements against the rights of average Americans, doing everything he can to weaken the country and to hurt American people, who he clearly despises. If he can get away with all of that, I suspect Trump can somehow try to put it all back together again. It may be an awkward process and it will take time, but it must be done. I suppose a man who has turned $1 million into $10 billion, who has created and run businesses around the world, must have some unique talents. He also has an extraordinary team ready to help him. And yet you compare him to Clinton, whose only accomplishments in life are derived from an extraordinary reign of criminal activity.

I sense Cruz supporters on this page. Give it up. Get over it. He lost.

il y a 2936 jours
Début de l'article :Now that Donald Trump has managed — against the odds and much to the chagrin of ‘war party’ loyalists — to become the Republican Party’s nominee in the Presidential election to be held in November, it is worth considering what a Trump presidency would mean. Here are some preliminary thoughts. First, I expect that with the Primary campaign out of the way Trump will start to downplay some of the most hare-brained ideas he has spouted to date, such as building a giant wall along the US-Mexico borde... Lire la suite
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