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Mr. Gnawbone
Membre depuis mai 2012
8 commentaires -
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A laissé un commentaire sur l'article :
>Whipping-Post Politics - James Howard Kunstler - 
I couldn't agree more, Keillor's dismissal was a bridge too far, but it is reflective of the fear, by Boards of Directors across the US, guiding these decisions as they are advised and directed by the lawyers they hired to tell them (we had to fire him the lawyers said so) what to do.
I really would like to know more, the burying of the body of work, any and all ties, reminds one of a traitorous spy's execution and erasure, removed from the annals of history, cursed by gods and devils alike, akin to the Trials of Socrates, now drink your poison.
I love Garrison Keillor, he is one of my few heroes, fearless with his mighty pen so eloquently wielded, that in and of itself perhaps part of his undoing. He was hated by the self righteous as much as he was loved by his open minded followers/listeners. I was naive of this fact until eating breakfast (BnB Inn) with other guests, 2 couples from Minnesota, 1 couple loved him, the other couple reviled him (guess who we talked with over pastry).
My mother raised me on public radio and Garrison Keillor, we raised our children likewise, and we took them to see him live, twice, he is, I agree, our modern Mark Twain.
Watch your top knot JHK they will come for all the intellectuals at some point.
I'm a big fan of all your work, keep it coming, "damn the torpedoes"
Living in my hand made world.
Thank you,
Norbert Garvey

il y a 2361 jours
Début de l'article :Charlie Rose skulked offstage like a punch-drunk palooka with barely a whimper, and Matt Lauer offered up the now laughably pro forma press release of bathetic apology and contrition — no doubt micro-managed by his attorneys. But the hit on Garrison Keillor by his old friend Minnesota Public Radio seemed like a new low in the whipping-post politics of the moment. Unlike the cases of Rose, Lauer, Louis CK, Harvey Weinstein, and Kevin Spacey, there seemed next to nothing in the case against Keillo... Lire la suite
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