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Should the States Secede Now ?

IMG Auteur
Publié le 03 octobre 2012
678 mots - Temps de lecture : 1 - 2 minutes
( 23 votes, 4,3/5 ) , 4 commentaires
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SUIVRE : Corruption
Rubrique : Editoriaux





For more than a century millions upon millions of Americans have spent their earnings (and earnings of others) to special interest groups and non-profit foundations. The amounts have comfortably been in the billions of dollars for your pet peeve and issues.

Unlike our ancestors decades ago we think we've been lobbying our congressman and chosen political party with our time and money. Our ancestors weren't fooled right away, it took a while for them to realize their federal government could be the agent of plunder for themselves.

Whether it's been Constitutional or not has not mattered to our elected. I think it might have been Lew Rockwell who said "our federal government now is but one political body with two heads". Any new party would just be bought-off likewise, and just become another head. Liberty is embellished in the mind and soul, not in a political banner.

You've fought federal gun control, federal education, the unlawful income tax and the 16th Amendment, federal land grabs, state national guards in undeclared conflicts, abortion, Social Security, Federal Reserve, United Nations treaties, and many, many more liberty-robbing oppressions from Washington too numerous to mention. And now we've got federal health care to zap us again for more energy drain.

If "only congress shall make laws" why is it we have permitted congress, the Supreme Court and Executive Branches, and not to be left out, our hundreds of federal agencies to make their own rules ("statutes")? You know the answer to that question. Because they were bought out from under us. Washington is corrupted through and through in every fiber by a Corporatist state.

If you remain a 'single issue patriot' , we're not going to make it. Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda won't cut it as an afterthought. Look at the big picture by avoiding societal conflicts engineered by Washington.

The US southern states have been there, done that all before. Southern states of that era were predominantly Jeffersonian Democrats. The Republican-controlled congress of the 1860s levied discriminatory taxes on the southern agrarian states and punishing protective tariffs for northern manufacturers on competing importers. That South Carolina's firing on Fort Sumter started the Civil War is a bold-faced lie. That 'historical' account is absurd to the extreme. SC had already seceded and was now under the Confederate States of America.

They were now a foreign country. Fort Sumter had been ceded to the United States by SC, but only as a member of the United States. Not only did Washington not return the island to SC, but it took act of war action by re-inforcing it with additional Union troops stowed away on the warship,
Star of the West! An early 'false flag' event of our federal government!

Okay, that's your dose of US Civil War history for now. We are a refugee ourselves from the northern states, living pleasantly in the South, but still the theft of our rights from Washington goes on unabated.

Is secession called for again? Absolutely no!... Yet.

All the states have a sledgehammer tool of all sledgehammers in freedom's quiver. It must be taken out from its repository and re-slung into the bow. It's known as
NULLIFICATION. Just as state secession is not unlawful, neither is it for a sovereign state to exert its authority by mandate for the 10th Amendment. This article was intended by our framers to prohibit the central government by exercising any power not specifically granted to it. But, you knew that already.

Familiarize yourself with Nullification, it's our lifeline to rescuing our stolen liberties. Don't you just love it when the MSM trots out their "constitutional scholars" to their TV audiences for definitive clarification! You are the scholars here, not the appointed or even the elected. They have a sworn oath of office to you!

Let's not be like a Greece and the euro.
Iceland was right - get the hell out! If we're going down the tube, let's go down by keeping corruption local at the state level!

Nullification: Tom Woods
Books to Die For
States Standing for State Sovereignty



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When I was a young man I never thought I would live to see the end of the Soviet Union. Now, I fully expect I will outlive the United States.
Evaluer :   18  2Note :   16
The Neo-Confederacy is alive and well and on the rise!

You see the South really didn't start the Civil War. According to the VOICE, and with the proverbial straight face: "That South Carolina's firing on Fort Sumter started the Civil War is a bold-faced lie. That 'historical' account is absurd to the extreme." Neo-Confederates would have you believe that honorable Southerners were forced into the war by tyrannical Northern businessmen who imposed all kinds of horrendous economic sanctions on the southern states.

That old ploy that if you tell a big lie often enough it will be believed is being used here. Nevermine that the South held the Presidency for decades before the Civil War began )and held it with Democrat Buchanan elected in 1856.) Nevermine that it was the South, under the Southern Democratic Steven Douglas that ended the status quo of the Missiouri Compromise with the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854.

The Missiouri Compromise of 1820 was an attempt to limit the expansion of slavery -- an orginal evil the Founders felt they had to give to the South for the Constitution to be ratified. The Kansas-Nebraska Act opened slavery to newly created states.

Enter Lincoln in 1860, the initiation of force by the South, the Civil War, the North's costly victory, and finally the 13th Amendment to the Constitiution in 1864 abolishing slavery forever.

Evaluer :   10  29Note :   -19
There is not a possibility of debating this very long dispute here. When men get involved in any thing political there is bound to be finger pointing and blame enough to go around; notwithstanding since the U.S. was the supposed victor it had the privilege of writing the history books. U.S. history books never mention the fact that a peace commission sent by President Elect Jefferson Davis to Washington to speak with Lincoln or Secretary of State William H. Seward to negotiate a peace treaty was never received. They resided there for several months without ever meeting either. No one of any importance would even give them the time of day certainly no plenipotentiary.
Some have suggested it was the same old switch that the U.S. practices today of “how can we start or escalate this war and make it look as if they did it” much the same way as being planned for Iran now. When all the facts are known, which may not be until the return of the King of Kings, then we will know for sure what really happen. Until then keep pointing fingers and it will keep us divided.
What does any of that have to do with the very Jeffersonian idea of nullification?
Evaluer :   18  2Note :   16
Maybe even a better place to start is with a knowledgeable county sheriff who is willing to kick out all federal invaders such as federal judges and company, tax collectors, all government agents and agencies who have no business or authority in a sovereign state or county. When the whole thing falls to pieces would be a very good time to act positively. Every county surly has such a woman or man.
For now not watching the staged performance of the Heckle and Jekyll debate would be something you could do tonight. I have cogitated on it long and hard(about 2 seconds) and have concluded that this fancy panes show will be about exciting as watching compost make.
Evaluer :   15  3Note :   12
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When I was a young man I never thought I would live to see the end of the Soviet Union. Now, I fully expect I will outlive the United States.  Lire la suite
James J. - 04/10/2012 à 01:09 GMT
Note :  18  2
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