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Membre depuis août 2012
6 commentaires -
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A laissé un commentaire sur l'article :
>Is the "Fiscal Cliff" a Threat to the Economy?  - Frank Shostak - 
Do you really think that the size of deficet does not mater. the fed is underwriting 65% of our debt.and right now in 2012 it is $343,095,816,634.42 in INTERST, dont tell me size dosent matter how much of gdp is that.
and how much does the printing press add to real inflation ( everything that goes up is not in cpi).
i dont buy aircaft so i dont care if it went up 2% last year. i do buy food and gas what has that went up,(direct cause of printing money)oh that is not in cpi.

il y a 4259 jours
Début de l'article :The US Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said on August 22, 2012, that scheduled tax increases and spending cuts in 2013 would reverse the current modest economic recovery. The CBO and other experts are of the view that large government spending cuts and tax hikes will cause severe economic slump... Lire la suite
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