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Seabridge Gold Inc.

Publié le 10 mars 2008

Economic Assessment Completed for Seabridge Gold's Courageous Lake Project

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Seabridge Gold Inc.
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March 10, 2008
Economic Assessment Completed for Seabridge Gold's Courageous Lake Project

Base Case Estimates 11.6 Year Mine Life with Average Annual Gold Production at 500,000 Ounces, Average Cash Operating Cost at US$435 per Ounce, and Initial Capital Costs of US$848 Million

TORONTO, CANADA--(Marketwire - March 10, 2008) - Seabridge Gold (TSX VENTURE:SEA)(AMEX:SA) announced today the results of the new Preliminary Assessment ("PA") for its Courageous Lake project located in the Northwest Territories.

The 2008 PA confirms that the FAT deposit represents an excellent economic opportunity in the current environment. Capital and operating costs have increased significantly from the 2005 PA, as expected, but these increases are more than offset by a larger resource, extended mine life and higher gold price assumptions contained in the 2008 PA, resulting in a substantial improvement in projected economic value for the deposit.

The 2008 PA was prepared by leading consultants, all of whom are independent of Seabridge and are Qualified Persons under National Instrument 43-101. The infrastructure evaluation and the PA was coordinated by T.J. Smolik of TJS Mining Met Services, Inc. Other consultants with their responsibilities include the following:

- Wardrop Mining and Minerals under the direction of Ken Deter who worked for Wardrop when the Process was defined and Frank Grills (Process Capital Costs)

- Snowden Mining Industry Consultants under the direction of Dick Matthews (Mining Plans, Mine Capital, Mine Operating Costs, and Financial Analysis)

- W.N. Brazier Associates Inc. under the direction of W.N. Brazier (Electrical Power Supply including Capital Costs and Minesite Unit Energy Cost).

- EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd under the direction of Eric Fier (Environment, Geotechnical and Tailings)

- Resource Modeling Inc under the direction of Michael Lechner (Mineral Resources)

The independent consultants have continued with earlier conclusions that an open-pit mining operation, with on-site processing, is the most suitable development scenario. A base case scenario was developed for the project incorporating a 25,000 tonne per day operation (9.125 million tonne per year throughput) resulting in a projected 11.6 year operation with average annual production of 500,500 ounces of gold at a life of mine average cash operating cost of US$435 per ounce recovered. The base case scenario utilized measured, indicated and inferred resources in the mine plan. Initial capital costs for the project are estimated at US$848 million, including a contingency of US$111 million. The total cost of gold production (including cash operating costs and total capital costs over the life of the mine) is estimated at US$590 per ounce.

At a gold price of US$690 per ounce, the base case cumulative pre-tax net cash flow over the life of the project is estimated at US$ 500 million. At a gold price of US$800 per ounce, the cumulative pre-tax net cash flow over the life of the project is estimated at US$ 1.13 billion.

Seabridge notes that the PA incorporates inferred mineral resources. They are considered too geologically speculative to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves. Therefore, Seabridge advises that there can be no certainty that the estimates contained in the PA will be realized.

Seabridge President and CEO Rudi Fronk said that despite changes made to reduce processing energy consumption, the current high costs of diesel result in a site generated energy cost of $US6.97/tonne of ore treated. Energy costs comprise almost 50% of the total processing and G & A cost, estimated at US$ 14.19/tonne of material. Even with these adverse economic energy issues, the Courageous Lake economics remain very favorable at current gold prices.


In February 2007, an updated National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report (NI 43-101) prepared by Resource Modeling Inc. ("RMI") of Tucson, Arizona was filed on SEDAR. At a 0.83 gram per tonne cut-off, gold resources for the project were stated as follows:

     Courageous Lake Gold Resources at 0.83 gram per tonne cut-off
        Measured                Indicated                Inferred
Tonnes   Grade   Ounces   Tonnes   Grade  Ounces   Tonnes  Grade  Ounces
(000's)   (g/T)  (000's)  (000's)   (g/T) (000's)  (000's)  (g/T) (000's)
6,293     2.92      591   53,020    2.14   3,648   93,720   1.98   5,966
Snowden used the resource model prepared by RMI as part of its development of the mining plan for the project, the model was not validated and grades and were accepted as is. RMI has noted that further work would be required, including in-fill drilling, to advance the project to acceptable levels of Measured and Indicated Resources for a pre-feasibility or bankable feasibility study.

Mine Planning

A preliminary pit was selected based on the following cost estimates and operating assumptions.

Variable                                             Units
Mine Cost                    $US1.14/tonned mined (average)
Processing and G&A Cost           $US14.19/tonne processed
Processing Rate              9.125 million tonnes per year
Pit Slopes                               55d SW and 50d NE
Dilution                                    5% (metal only)
Metal Recovery                                        88.9%
Snowden used Whittle (Lerchs Grossman) software to determine the optimum pit shell. Incorporated in the pit optimization analysis were the pit slope criteria developed by EBA. Snowden also determined that a mining dilution factor of 5% grade dilution (equivalent to metal loss) was appropriate for the base case estimate. Based on their analysis, using the December 2006 EBA geotechnical projections of pit slopes, Snowden estimated the in-pit diluted resources within the ultimate pit limit as follows:

Courageous Lake In-Pit Material above 0.76 gram per tonne cut-off
Tonnes    Grade   Total Ounces Fed   Waste Tonnes   Total Tonnes
(000's )   (g/t)                           (000's)        (000's)
106,000    1.91          6,510,000        782,000        888,000
Sensitivities were run and determined that pit size is most sensitive to gold price and least sensitive to operating costs.

To ensure high grades in the early years, a phased mining strategy with stockpiling is proposed. In this approach, the highest economic value material is the focus of the initial development phase of the open pit, with progressively larger pit shells developed sequentially outward until the final phase establishes the ultimate pit limit described above. The maximum mining rate was set at 100 million tonnes per year with the mill feed rate set at 9.125 million tonnes per year. The average strip ratio over the life of the mine is 7.4:1, and peaks at around 20:1 in years 5 and 6 when large quantities of waste must be removed and the plant feed would come from stockpiles developed in earlier years.

To maximize productivity and minimize unit mining costs, large-scale state-of-the-art mining equipment has been selected for the mine operation. Haulage trucks with a 240 tonne payload capability combined with large capacity hydraulic shovels have been specified. Manpower requirements were estimated based on a 12 hour shift schedule, working four days on and four days off with four full crews of operating and maintenance personnel providing a 24 hour per day, 7 day per week operation. Over the life of mine, Snowden has estimated average mining costs of US$ 1.14 per tonne of material mined.

Metallurgical Process and Plant

The project's gold to sulphur ratio compares favourably with other operating refractory gold mines. Mineral samples from the Courageous Lake deposit can produce a high-grade flotation concentrate at a relatively coarse primary grind size. Total process operating costs are estimated at US$13.14 per tonne of milled.

The proposed process plant is designed to treat an average of 9.125 million tonnes of mineralization per year. To reduce the project's comminution energy requirements, a High Pressure Grinding Roll (HPGR) circuit is proposed for the comminution process. The mill feed is processed through a primary gyratory crusher and stored in a coarse mill feed stockpile. The primary crushed material is reclaimed by conveyor and sent to screening and secondary crushing. It is then treated through the high efficiency grinding rolls. The HPGR product is further ground in a grinding circuit consisting of two ball mills and hydrocyclones.

The hydrocyclone overflow is sent to flotation for upgrading. The rougher flotation circuit consisting of 130 cubic meter flotation cells, connected in series, is estimated to recover over 90% of the gold in the rougher concentrate. The concentrate is then reground in a tower mill and upgraded by one stage of cleaner flotation. The cleaner concentrate is further reground in a tower mill and thickened prior to the subsequent oxidation processes. The cleaner tailings containing a low gold content is thickened and pumped to the gold leach circuit for treatment with the oxidized concentrate products.

The upgraded cleaner concentrate is then sent to a two-stage oxidation (hybrid) circuit consisting of biological leaching to partially oxidize gold bearing sulfides in the concentrate and conventional pressure oxidation to oxidize the remaining sulphides. After the oxidized slurry is cooled, it is sent through a washing circuit to reduce the acidity and is then conditioned with lime prior to cyanide gold leaching.

The pH-adjusted slurry is pumped to a gold leach circuit utilizing activated carbon (CIP Circuit) to adsorb dissolved gold. The cleaner flotation tailings are also leached in this circuit. The activated carbon is then treated in a pressure stripping circuit to remove adsorbed gold from the carbon for ultimate deposition and removal in an electrowinning circuit. The overall gold recovery is expected to be 89% with these process stages.

The diluted acid solution from the washing stage is recycled to the flotation circuit and the excessive acid solution is treated by a lime neutralization circuit.


Due to the remote location, the Courageous Lake project requires its own power generation, a permanent camp, access by air and warehousing and storage at site. Site logistics include freight delivery over winter roads and air services for personnel and smaller freight components. The project's electrical running load of 45 MW can be supplied entirely by diesel generation which can be supplemented with 20 MW peak capacity of wind power generation (estimated to average 6.6 MW of power demand over a yearly time period). The economic comparison of power costs from on-site combustion turbines compares favourably with multiple units of diesel generators. Control systems are available for handling the variable output of the wind generation units. An airport with a 6,500 foot runway, apron and hangar have been incorporated into the study together with local minesite access roads.

Environmental and Project Scheduling

It is estimated that the project would take approximately six years to commence production with the environmental and permitting process for the project estimated at two years. To be proactive in project permitting, Seabridge initiated environmental baseline data collection and community consultation in 2004 and continued the work during 2005, 2006 and 2007. During the two-year environmental process, the in-fill drilling, bulk sampling and final feasibility study could be completed. Final detailed engineering and procurement would subsequently require approximately two years. The construction and commissioning period is estimated at an additional two to three years.

Tailings Management

The preferred location for a tailings impoundment is east of the Courageous Lake deposit and plant site. A "wet tailings" scenario will require a footprint of almost two square kilometers with major engineering and construction of an impoundment to hold approximately 106 million tonnes of processed material. A waste material dump is located west of the proposed mill site.

Project Operating Costs

Average operating costs over the 11.6 year mine life are estimated as follows:

      Estimated Annual Operating Costs in U.S. Dollars
                              Annual Costs    $/tonne      Gold
                                   ($'000s) processed Recovered
Mine                                87,500       9.59       174

 Consumables                        45,908       5.03        92

 Manpower                           10,421       1.14        21

 Power - Process                    57,427       6.29       115
 Power - Services                    6,132       0.67        12

G & A Including Camps, Roads,        9,569       1.05        19

Transportation & Refining            1,001       0.11         2

TOTAL                              217,958      23.88       435
Project Capital Costs

The initial capital costs for the project are estimated as follows:

            Estimated Initial Capital Costs in U.S. Dollars
Item                                           Estimated Cost ($000's)
Mine Direct Costs                                             137,581

Plant Direct Costs                                            277,142
 Primary Crushing                                              16,501
 Secondary + Tertiary Crushing                                 32,828
 Grinding                                                      18,612
 Flotation                                                     17,742
 Concentrate Regrinding, Cleaning & Thickening                 10,999
 Bio-Oxidation (BIOX)                                          27,633
 Pressure Oxidation (POX)                                      19,355
 Counter Current Decantation (CCD)                              2,270
 POX Gas Handling/Scrubbing                                     3,081
 CIP Neutralization                                               748
 CCD Neutralization                                             4,776
 Leach and Carbon-in-Pulp                                       5,448
 Carbon Stripping and Reactivation                              4,929
 Gold Electrowinning & Refining                                 3,634
 Reagents                                                       2,803
 Lime Unloading & Storage                                      16,890
 Utilities & Mobile Equipment                                  32,857
 DCS System                                                     2,499
 Buildings and Containment Area                                33,383
 Plant Site Earth Work                                          2,132
 Cyanide Destruction                                              921
 Mobile Equipment                                               2,486
 Air Separation Plant                                          14,613

Environmental & Tailings Mgmt Direct Cost                      17,286
 Environmental & Tailings Management                           17,101
 Effluent Treatment                                               185

Infrastructure                                                187,480
 Power Generation including Wind Power                        157,816
 Permanent Mine Camp                                           14,628
 Air Strip and Roads                                           15,036

TOTAL DIRECT COSTS                                            619,488

Construction Indirect                                          37,962
Spare Parts                                                    16,657
Owner's Costs                                                   5,800
Engineering & Procurement                                      57,720

TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS                                          118,139

TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS                               737,627

CONTINGENCY @ 15%                                             110,644

TOTAL INITIAL CAPITAL COSTS                                   848,271
Total sustaining capital and closure costs over the life of the mine are estimated at US$51 million.

Base Case and Sensitivity Financial Analysis

Using the input parameters described above and a gold price of US$690 per ounce, net cash flows were developed for the base case. The following sensitivity analysis was also performed:

- Gold Price - ranging from US$600 to US$1,000 per ounce. The estimated breakeven gold price for the project is at US$600 per ounce using the base case assumptions. At $700/oz gold the NPV using a 5% discount rate increases by approximately 220% or $380 million.

- Capital and Operating Costs - costs were varied by +- 10% from the base case with the results summarized the in the table below. Capital costs have a smaller impact on the project than operating costs.

Sensitivity Analysis Summary Table

Pre-Tax Cash Flow Sensitivity
                                Project Net          Project 
                                  Cash Flow          NPV @ 5%
Variables                      (US$millions)    (US$millions) Project IRR

Base Case (Gold @ US$690)              $500             $175            9%
Gold @ US$600                          ($13)           ($195)           0%
Gold @ US$700                          $557             $217           10%
Gold @ US$800                        $1,127             $629           19%
Gold @ US$900                        $1,696           $1,042           28%
Gold @ US$1,000                      $2,266           $1,454           36%

Capital Costs +10%                     $411              $92            7%
Capital Costs -10%                     $589             $260           12%

Operating Costs +10%                   $245              ($6)           5%
Operating Costs -10%                   $753             $358           13%
Project Opportunities

Work on the Courageous Lake project will be continued to evaluate modifications which could improve project economics. Some of the opportunities identified are as follows:

- All-weather road: An all-weather road in close proximity to the site would have a large positive impact on the project's capital and operating costs. Various levels of government, and Native Groups, continue to study the all-weather road possibilities. There would be a significant reduction in on-site storage requirements, especially fuel oil and reagents such as lime.

- Power generation sharing: A coal-fired power plant developed in the Bathhurst Inlet, and the installation of a power transmission line to the three diamond mines and Courageous Lake, would significantly reduce operating costs for these mines. A shared power-generating facility seems a reasonable approach. This approach is presently being investigated in Nevada by Newmont, Phelps Dodge and Barrick Gold.

- Mine life extensions: As demonstrated in the sensitivity analysis, the potential extension of mine life could have a positive material impact on the project's pre-tax net cash flow. Additional drilling would improve the confidence levels of the Courageous Lake resource estimates and may also provide more information that would improve ore scheduling from the open pit.

- Alternate power schemes: The option of hydro power from the Tolstan Station is another possibility; long power transmission lines would have to be built to benefit from this power source. Wind generation at site is capital intensive, but produces energy at very low operating costs. Further site work is needed to document the wind and weather conditions which would apply to wind power generation.

Seabridge has acquired a 100% interest in several North American gold resource projects. For a breakdown of the Company's mineral resources by project and resource category please visit the Company's website at http://www.seabridgegold.net/Resource.htm.

All resource estimates reported by the Company were calculated in accordance with the Canadian National Instrument 43-101 and the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Classification system. These standards differ significantly from the requirements of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Mineral resources which are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.

Statements relating to the estimated or expected future production and operating results and costs and financial condition of Seabridge, planned work at the Company's projects and the expected results of such work are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by words such as the following: expects, plans, anticipates, believes, intends, estimates, projects, assumes, potential and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements also include reference to events or conditions that will, would, may, could or should occur. Information concerning exploration results and mineral reserve and resource estimates may also be deemed to be forward-looking statements, as it constitutes a prediction of what might be found to be present when and if a project is actually developed. These forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable at the time they are made, are inherently subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those reflected in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: uncertainties related to raising sufficient financing to fund the planned work in a timely manner and on acceptable terms; changes in planned work resulting from logistical, technical or other factors; the possibility that results of work will not fulfill projections/expectations and realize the perceived potential of the Company's projects; uncertainties involved in the interpretation of drilling results and other tests and the estimation of gold reserves and resources; risk of accidents, equipment breakdowns and labour disputes or other unanticipated difficulties or interruptions; the possibility of environmental issues at the Company's projects; the possibility of cost overruns or unanticipated expenses in work programs; the need to obtain permits and comply with environmental laws and regulations and other government requirements; fluctuations in the price of gold and other risks and uncertainties, including those described in the Company's Annual Information Form filed with SEDAR in Canada (available at www.sedar.com) for the year ended December 31, 2006 and in the Company's Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (available at www.sec.gov/edgar.shtml).

Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management or its independent professional consultants on the date the statements are made.


Rudi Fronk, President & C.E.O.

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The TSX-V Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release


Seabridge Gold Inc.
Rudi P. Fronk
President and C.E.O.
(416) 367-9292
Fax: (416) 367-2711
Email: info@seabridgegold.net
Website: www.seabridgegold.net

INDUSTRY: Manufacturing and Production - Mining and Metals


Données et statistiques pour les pays mentionnés : Canada | Tous
Cours de l'or et de l'argent pour les pays mentionnés : Canada | Tous

Seabridge Gold Inc.

ISIN : CA8119161054
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Seabridge Gold est une société d’exploration minière d'or basée au Canada.

Seabridge Gold est en développement de projets d'or, d'argent, de cuivre et de molybdène au Canada, et détient divers projets d'exploration au Canada.

Ses principaux projets en développement sont COURAGEOUS LAKE, SULPHURETS, KERR (KSM), RED MOUNTAIN, QUARTZ MOUNTAIN et MITCHELL ZONE au Canada et ses principaux projets en exploration sont KING'S RIVER, CASTLE-BLACK ROCK et HOG RANCH au Canada.

Seabridge Gold est cotée au Canada, aux Etats-Unis D'Amerique et en Allemagne. Sa capitalisation boursière aujourd'hui est 1,0 milliards US$ (903,5 millions €).

La valeur de son action a atteint son plus bas niveau récent le 29 décembre 2000 à 0,12 US$, et son plus haut niveau récent le 20 septembre 2024 à 17,55 US$.

Seabridge Gold possède 57 467 118 actions en circulation.

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07/10/2015Seabridge Gold Drilling Continues to Grow Higher Grade Deep ...
01/10/2015An Interview With Seabridge Gold's Rudi Fronk
28/08/2015Seabridge Gold's Stock Could Hit $14, Another Deposit Site E...
26/08/2015Seabridge Gold Drilling Confirms Major Extension of KSM's De...
13/08/2015Seabridge Gold Files Second Quarter 2015 Report to Sharehold...
04/08/2015Seabridge Gold Pilot Plant Successfully Treats Selenium in K...
28/07/2015Seabridge Gold Finds Extension of KSM's Mitchell Deposit at ...
08/07/2015How To Profit From Low Oil Prices: An Energy Takeout Targets...
07/04/2015Seabridge Gold Closes $16.4 Million Bought Deal Flow-Through...
25/03/2015Seabridge Gold Reports Large New Resource at KSM's Iron Cap ...
23/03/2015Seabridge Gold Reports 52% Resource Expansion for KSM's Deep...
20/03/2015Ferrellgas, Prothena Lead Friday's After-Hours Movers
16/03/2015Seabridge Gold Files Form 40-F with the SEC
13/03/2015Seabridge Gold Files 2014 Year End Audited Financial Stateme...
13/03/2015Seabridge Gold Files 2014 Year End Audited Financial Stateme...
10/03/2015Seabridge Gold Arranges a $14.2 Million Bought Deal Flow-Thr...
10/03/2015Seabridge Gold Arranges a $14.2 Million Bought Deal Flow-Thr...
26/01/2015Independent Geotechnical Review Board Established for KSM Pr...
26/01/2015Independent Geotechnical Review Board Established for KSM Pr...
22/12/2014Seabridge Gold's KSM Project Receives Positive Federal EA De...
22/12/2014Seabridge Gold's KSM Project Receives Positive Federal EA De...
15/12/2014Mid-Morning Market Update: Markets Open Higher; BC Partners ...
28/11/2014Seabridge Gold Renews Shelf Prospectus and Refiles Certain D...
28/11/2014Seabridge Gold Renews Shelf Prospectus and Refiles Certain D...
28/11/20145 Top Analyst Stocks That Could Double In Price
14/11/2014Seabridge Gold Files Third Quarter Report to Shareholders an...
16/10/2014Seabridge Gold Drilling Builds Resource Potential at KSM's I...
04/02/2014Seabridge Gold Reports Sale of Grassy Mountain NPI Not Proce...
30/01/2014Seabridge Gold continues support of education in Northwester...
14/01/2014Seabridge Drilling Improving Size and Grade
19/12/2013Richard Kraus Appointed a Director of Seabridge Gold
10/12/2013Seabridge Closes $16.8 Million Flow-Through
05/11/2013Drills Spectacular Intercept Within Deep Kerr Deposit at KSM
29/10/2013Deep Kerr Continues to Grow
25/10/2013(Quartz Mountain)Alamos Gold Makes $2 Million Option Payment to Seabridge Gol...
13/08/2013Nisga'a Nation and Seabridge Gold ConfirmAgreement in Princi...
12/08/2013Seabridge Discovers Large, Higher-Grade Copper-Gold Core Zon...
27/06/2013Reports on Results of Annual Meeting of Shareholders
11/06/2013at Singular Research's conference June 13
05/06/2013Seabridge Hires Senior Vice President of Technical Services
04/06/2013KSM Environmental Assessment Application Accepted for Review
24/05/2013Acquires Shares of Wolfpack Gold Corp. Under RTO
22/05/2013Begins Drilling for High Grade at KSM
16/05/2013Seabridge Reports Excellent Gold Recoveries from Walsh Lake ...
09/04/2013The Gold Market
27/03/2013Files 2012 Year End Audited Financial Statements and MD&A
01/02/2013Filing KSM Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact...
16/01/2013Seabridge Expands Camp Zone High Grade Gold Deposit at KSM
12/11/2012Nov 14th Presentation & Webcast
01/10/2012Presents at the John Tumazos Conference
17/09/2012American Creek Receives Notice of Application from Seabridge...
07/09/2012Time change: Seabridge Gold at Denver Gold Forum
07/09/2012Live at Denver Gold Forum
05/09/2012Seabridge Discovers High Grade Epithermal Gold Deposit at KS...
24/07/2012(Courageous Lake)Preliminary Feasibility Study Completed for Seabridge Gold's...
28/06/2012en Predator Corp=2E and Seabridge Gold Inc=2E Announce Closi...
28/06/2012Reports on Annual Meeting Results and Senior Management Chan...
18/06/2012Acquires Shares of Banks Island Gold Ltd=2E Under Option Agr...
07/06/2012en Predator Corp=2E and Seabridge Gold Inc=2E Sign Definitiv...
10/04/2012to Commence Trading on New York Stock Exchange
04/04/2012to List on the New York Stock Exchange Under Symbol "SA"
30/03/2012Files Year End Audited Financial Statements and MD&A
29/11/2011Seabridge's CEO Interview
30/09/2011Views on Gold from Seabridge
19/08/2010Projected Economics Continue to Improve at Seabridge Gold's ...
26/07/2010Drilling Confirms Iron Cap as Major New Gold-Copper Deposit
26/02/2010Announces Pricing of Offering
05/06/2009(Video) BNN chats with Rudi Fronk, President and CEO of Seab...
17/12/2008to be Added to S&P/TSX Global Gold and Global Mining Indices
15/12/2008Completes Sale of Noche Buena to Fresnillo/Newmont JV
01/12/2008Preliminary Economic Assessment Completed forSeabridge Gold'...
07/11/2008Interview on TMX Money
08/09/2008Positive Metal Recoveries Predicted for Seabridge Gold's KSM...
17/07/2008Independent Road Access Study Completed for Seabridge Gold's...
10/07/2008Announces Commencement of Trading on the TSX
18/06/2008Receives Conditional Approval for TSX Listing
31/03/2008Files Year End Audited Financial Statements and MD&A
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