Bisoni McKay Project
Bisoni McKay
Country USA 
Province Nevada
Close to Eureka
Latitude / Longitude 39 N 05 / 116 W 08
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Explores for Vanadium -
Last updated on 2/17/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Bisoni McKay Project
Status Risk : Advanced discovery
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the Bisoni McKay Project
Stina Resources
Interest: 100%
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Stina now has a 100% interest in the Bisoni McKay property subject to a 2.5% net smelter interest in favor of Dennis La Prairie.
Location of the Bisoni McKay Project
The property is located in north central Nevada, a 764 acre (37 claims) vanadium project located approximately 32 miles southeast of Eureka, Nevada.
History of the Bisoni McKay Project
In the 1970's, Hecla Mining Company, based on drilling and exploration results, estimated a "reserve" of 6.1 million short tons at 0.39% vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) to a depth of 144 feet below surface (not NI 43-101 compliant).
Data last updated on : 12/31/2006
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