Narnoo Project
Country Australia 
Province Western australia
Close to Kalgoorlie
Surface 1,120 km² / 276,752 acres
Latitude / Longitude 30 S 45 / 123 E 56
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Explores for Uranium -
Last updated on 2/25/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Narnoo Project
Status Risk : Brown exploration
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the Narnoo Project
Energy and Minerals Australia
Owner: 100%
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Location of the Narnoo Project
Located approximately 250 kilometres east of Kalgoorlie and 30 kilometres southeast of the Minigwal and Lightfoot playa lake systems
History of the Narnoo Project
Previous owners of the Narnoo Project conducted RC and aircore drilling on locations near Desert Sun yielding results at Chillon: 1m @ 1.40g/t Au, Rusty: 1m @ 3.74g/t Au and Wallbanger: 1m @ 3.49g/t Au. Follow-up with limited RC exploration drilling did not include the area of the Desert Sun anomaly System.
Geology of the Narnoo Project
The tenements overlap the southern limits of the Archaean Jasper Hills Greenstone Belt and sedimentary rocks of the Officer Basin, which is partly underlain by the Proterozoic Albany-Frazer Tectonic Province.
Data last updated on : 6/30/2007
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