Fraser Project
Country Canada 
Province Ontario
Close to Sudbury
Number of claims 30
Latitude / Longitude 46 N 40 / 81 W 20
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Last updated on 2/9/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Fraser Project
Status Risk : Production
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the Fraser Project
Conway Resources Inc.
Owner: 100%
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Location of the Fraser Project
Fraser is located around the Belleterre municipality, Temiscamingue area, Quebec, Canada.
History of the Fraser Project
During the winter of 2008, ground geophysical surveys including Induced Polarization and Resistivity, were completed on the entire grid previously cut on the property. During the summer of 2008, a geological mapping survey was made, emphasizing on the 57 sub-outcropping geophysical anomalies identified. Fifteen holes totalling 1 530 meters were subsequently drilled on the estimated best targets.
Geology of the Fraser Project
The property is mostly covered by an important granodioritic batholith cut across by various minor structures containing some sulphide mineralization, mostly pyrite. These poorly mineralized structures explained the geophysical anomalies detected.
Production history
COPPER (lbs)10,033,237
NICKEL (lbs)25,641,965
NICKEL (oz)797,261
Data last updated on : 2/9/2010
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