Palmarito Project
Country Mexico 
Province Chihuahua
Latitude / Longitude 25 N 33 / 107 W 58
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Explores for Silver -
Last updated on 10/28/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Palmarito Project
Status Risk : Advanced discovery
Country Risk : Light
Title(s) of the Palmarito Project
McEwen Mining Inc
Owner: 100%
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Location of the Palmarito Project
The Palmarito Project is located in northwestern Mexico, within Sinaloa state, Mocorito Municipality, Mexico. The project is located approximately 60 miles (96.6 km) by air northwest of the Sinaloa state capital city of Culiacan in the western foothi more...
History of the Palmarito Project
The Property is one of Sinaloa’s major historical producers of silver. Total production is estimated to be 15,300,000 ounces of silver and 49,250 ounces of gold from open pit and underground workings before mining ceased in 1950. In 1969-70, Barranc more...
Geology of the Palmarito Project
The Palmarito silver deposit occurs at the brecciated contact of a Middle Tertiary rhyolite intrusive emplaced into Early Tertiary volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of dominantly andesitic composition. The volcanic rocks are pyroclastic flows, tuffs  more...
Data last updated on : 12/15/2008
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