Anglo-Rouyn Tailings Recovery project
Anglo-Rouyn Tailings Recovery project
Country Canada 
Province Saskatchwan
Latitude / Longitude 55 N 04 / 105 W 17
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Last updated on 2/15/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Anglo-Rouyn Tailings Recovery project
Status Risk : Past producer
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the Anglo-Rouyn Tailings Recovery project
Skeena Resources Ltd
Owner: 100%
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Under the terms of an Option Agreement, subject to regulatory approval, the Company can earn a 100% undivided interest in the mine tailings, the gravity/magnetic separation recovery plant, and the 7-unit Atco trailer camp from privately held Anglo Ro more...
Location of the Anglo-Rouyn Tailings Recovery project
The Anglo Rouyn gold-copper Tailings Recovery Project is located 35 km northeast of La Ronge, Saskatchewan
History of the Anglo-Rouyn Tailings Recovery project
The Anglo Rouyn mine, developed by Rio Algom Mines in the 1950's, and in continuous operation from 1966 to 1972, produced approximately 2 million tons of ore with an average recovered grade of 1.64% copper, 1.2 g/t gold and 5.5 g/t silver. The mine tailings were deposited on the shore of and into Lac La Ronge
Data last updated on : 12/31/2008
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