Maidstone Project
Country Canada 
Surface 1 km² / 321 acres
Latitude / Longitude 53 N 05 / 109 W 27
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Produces Oil -
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Last updated on 2/27/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Maidstone Project
Status Risk : Production
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the Maidstone Project
Petrostar Petroleum Corporation
Owner: 100%
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Petrostar is 100% owner and operator of the 320-acre Maidstone Oil prospect that includes the petroleum and natural gas rights.
Location of the Maidstone Project
The property is located in north western Saskatchewan 50 kilometers southeast of Lloydminster, SK. Located near the Company's Maidstone property is the Husky Upgrader Refinery, where the oil produced from the property is sent for processing. Adjacent more...
Data last updated on : 2/27/2009
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