otter juan Project
otter juan
Country Australia 
Latitude / Longitude 31 S 09 / 121 E 39
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Produces Nickel -
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Last updated on 10/15/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the otter juan Project
Status Risk : Production
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the otter juan Project
Mincor Resources
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Mincor acquired the Otter-Juan Mine in July 2007 through its acquisition of the privately owned company, GMM Pty Ltd.
History of the otter juan Project
The world-class Otter Juan Mine is Kambalda's oldest producing mine and by far its largest single producer. The mine has been in near-continuous operation since 1970 and to end-June 2008 had produced approximately 8.5 million tonnes of ore at an average grade of 3.56% nickel, for over 303,000 tonnes of nickel metal.
Data last updated on : 6/30/2010
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