Troy Project
Country USA 
Province Arizona
Latitude / Longitude 33 N 8 / 110 W 54
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Explores for Copper -
Last updated on 11/27/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Troy Project
Status Risk : Past Producer
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the Troy Project
Q-Gold Resources Ltd.
Owner: 100%
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Location of the Troy Project
The property is located approximately 4 miles southeast of the Ray Mine.
History of the Troy Project
It was mined for copper by local miners beginning around 1900 and in 1903 by the Troy Manhattan Copper Co. Copper ore produced from shallow surface mines was shipped by narrow gauge railroad to Kelvin, Arizona. Up until 1925, shallow copper oxide ore was removed from the Toy area but no recorded underlying sulfide ore (the mainstay of current Arizona copper production) was ever mined.
Geology of the Troy Project
The deposit contains Laramide Age (late Cretaceous) igneous intrusives (mainly diabase), which have intruded into sedimentary rocks (sandstones & limestones) associated with Laramide crustal subduction throughout the State. The former are the host r more...
Data last updated on : 8/13/2008
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