Wallah Wallah Project
Wallah Wallah
Country Australia 
Province New south wales
Close to Rye park
Latitude / Longitude 34 S 31 / 148 E 59
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Risk and valuation analysis of the Wallah Wallah Project
Status Risk : Past producer
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the Wallah Wallah Project
Australia Oriental Minerals NL
Owner: 100%
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AO owns 100% of the project.
Location of the Wallah Wallah Project
The tenement lays in the Lachlan Fold Belt in NSW and contains the historic Wallah Wallah silver- lead-zinc mine. The mine is located approximately 5 miles E of the village of Rye Park, in the parish of Taunton.
History of the Wallah Wallah Project
The historic Wallah Wallah silver- lead-zinc mine was reportedly discovered in 1889 and mined intermittently until it was abandonned in 1919. Historic workings include a main shaft, approximately 50m deep, and two smaller shafts, 25m and 30m deep. Mining occurred at the 15 and 30m levels along a strike length of approximately 100m.
Geology of the Wallah Wallah Project
The mineralisation occurs in a shear zone striking north-south and dipping almost vertically with an observed width at surface of 3-5m. Historic dumps show sulphide mineralisation as well as slag from a smelter which operated on the site in the early 1900s
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