Ester Dome Project
Ester Dome
Country USA 
Province Alaska
Close to Fairbanks
Latitude / Longitude 64 N 56 / 147 W 56
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Produces Gold -
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Last updated on 6/14/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Ester Dome Project
Status Risk : Production
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the Ester Dome Project
Silverado Gold Mines Ltd.
Owner: 100%
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Location of the Ester Dome Project
Ester Dome is about 8 mi west of Fairbanks, Alaska and Eagle Creek is about 10 mi north of Fairbanks.
History of the Ester Dome Project
Exploration and development of the gold lodes at Ester Dome began shortly after discovery of gold at Ester Creek in 1905 (approximately 2 mi west of Silverado’s properties). By 1912, there were four custom gold mills operating at Ester Dome, including one at the Mohawk Mine, about 1 mi southwest of Silverado’s Grant Mine (Hill, 1933).
Geology of the Ester Dome Project
The Fairbanks schist is correlative with the poly-deformed, low-to-medium grade, metamorphic rocks in the southern Livengood quadrangle, which includes the ‘Wickersham Grit’, now regarded as Late Proterozoic in age (Weber et al., 1992). Robinson et more...
Data last updated on : 7/11/2008
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