Risk and valuation analysis of the Miguel Auza Project |
Status Risk : Care and Maintenance |
Location of the Miguel Auza Project |
The property is located in the town of Miguel Auza, population 15,000, Northern Zacatecas, on the high plateau of Central Mexico, locally known as the Central Meseta. Miguel Auza is 200 km by highway due south of Torreón, Coahuila, and is reached by toll Highway 40 south from Torreón to Cuencame, then by paved Highway 49 southsoutheast to Miguel Auza.
History of the Miguel Auza Project |
Mining was first recorded in the Miguel Auza area in the 1560s during the Spanish Conquest. The town of Miguel Auza was founded 450 years ago, on rich silver-bearing
veins, and mining thrived, as evidenced by remains of extensive infrastructure. The more...
Geology of the Miguel Auza Project |
In common with other deposits in the region, the Miguel Auza deposit consists of structurally-controlled epithermal silver veins in argillite and sandstone of the Cretaceous age Caracol Formation. A small (6 km2) porphyry stock which intrudes the Caracol Formation near the town of Miguel Auza is the inferred source of the veins.