Seagull Project
Country Canada 
Province Ontario
Close to Thunder bay
Surface 120 km² / 29,652 acres
Latitude / Longitude 49 N 8 / 89 W 15
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Risk and valuation analysis of the Seagull Project
Status Risk : Green exploration
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the Seagull Project
East West Resources Corp
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In order to acquire its initial 30%, Black Panther is required to spend $500,000 in exploration expenditures by February 28, 2009. Under the Option Agreement, Black Panther also has the right to increase its interest in the Seagull Property up to 51% more...
Location of the Seagull Project
The Seagull Property is located approximately 90km north of Thunder Bay, Ontario and consists of 17 staked claims with 159 claim units with an area of 2,544 hectares.
Geology of the Seagull Project
Magnetic susceptibility modelling is being refined to trace dike-like bodies in the basement in the vicinity of the Seagull property. One large north trending "dike-like" feature has been identified in earlier modeling of the original Seagull magnetic data that still requires follow-up.
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