Loulo Project
Country Mali 
Surface 372 km² / 91,921 acres
Latitude / Longitude 12 N 54 / 11 w 21
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Produces Gold -
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Last updated on 2/7/2011 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Loulo Project
Status Risk : Production
Country Risk : Important
Title(s) of the Loulo Project
Randgold Resources Ltd.
Owner: 80%
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Société des Mines de Loulo (SOMILO) S.A. which owns the 372km2 Loulo mining lease in western Mali, is the 80% owned subsidiary of Randgold Resources Limited. The remaining 20% is owned by the Government of Mali.
Location of the Loulo Project
The Loulo Gold mine is located at the border with Senegal.
History of the Loulo Project
The initial open pit mine was financed, developed and then commissioned by Randgold Resources in September 2005 The development of the underground phase is expected to be financed from internal cashflow and by Randgold. The original Gara orebody, was discovered by Syndicate d'Or in 1981 and the Yalea orebody, the principal orebody, by Randgold Resources in 1996/1997.
Production history
GOLD (oz)316,539
Exploration and drilling
8/2/2010- Loulo production guidance revised
Data last updated on : 12/31/2008
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