Tassawini Project
Country Guyana 
Close to Georgetown
Surface 14 km² / 3,459 acres
Latitude / Longitude 7 N 31 / 59 W 35
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Explores for Gold -
Last updated on 4/1/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Tassawini Project
Status Risk : Advanced discovery
Title(s) of the Tassawini Project
Victoria Gold Corporation
Owner: 100%
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Location of the Tassawini Project
The Tassawini Property is situated in the Barima-Waini District of Northwestern Guyana, South America. It is located approximately 175 kilometres northwest of the capital, Georgetown and is centered at latitude 7º 31' N and longitude 59º 35' W. The property is accessible by air transport via a private airstrip located on the property.
History of the Tassawini Project
Tassawini is an advanced stage gold exploration property centered on the site of the former producing Tassawini Gold Mine where, between 1907 and 1914, an estimated 11,200 ounces of gold were recovered. Prior to acquisition, the property was subject  more...
Geology of the Tassawini Project
Tassawini is regionally situated within the northern part of the Guiana Shield, an Archean-Proterozoic granite-greenstone terrain which was once contiguous with the Birrimian Shield of West Africa. The overall structural grain of the region is E-W to more...
Data last updated on : 10/10/2008
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