Tropico Project
Country Mexico 
Province Sinaloa
Close to Mazatlan
Latitude / Longitude 23 N 27 / 106 W 26
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Explores for Copper - Gold - Palladium - Platinum -
Last updated on 2/23/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Tropico Project
Status Risk : Past producer
Country Risk : Light
Title(s) of the Tropico Project
Almaden Minerals Ltd.
Owner: 100%
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Location of the Tropico Project
The property covers 51,000 acres in isolated hills surrounded by farm and pasture land, about 20 kilometers from Mazatlan, Sinoloa Mexico. The project encompasses Infrastructure is excellent.
Geology of the Tropico Project
The property was originally staked to cover several areas of copper oxides located along a belt of hills. Follow up work found values are associated with a layered mafic plutonic sequence. High platinum and gold grades were detected in initial samples and confirmed in all subsequent sampling.
Exploration and drilling
3/20/2008Options Tropico Project, Mexico
Data last updated on : 1/9/2008
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