Jabal Sayid Project
Jabal Sayid
Country Saudi Arabia 
Latitude / Longitude 23 N 30 / 40 E 49
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Develops Copper - Gold - Silver - Zinc -
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Last updated on 6/18/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Jabal Sayid Project
Status Risk : Feasibility
Country Risk : Moderate
Title(s) of the Jabal Sayid Project
Citadel Resources Group
Joint venture: 50%
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Jabal Sayid is a 50:50 joint venture between Citadel and CMCI, a Saudi company. Citadel is the manager of the project.
Location of the Jabal Sayid Project
Jabal Sayid is located 350km north-east of Jeddah.
History of the Jabal Sayid Project
Jabal Sayid project is a potentially world class copper deposit where previous work, predominantly in the 1970s and 1980s, focused on a high grade underground development scenario. Work undertaken included approximately 50,000 metres of drilling, 5.5 more...
Geology of the Jabal Sayid Project
The Jabal Sayid Resource is mostly pyrite-chalcopyrite stockwork mineralisation hosted in rhyodactic volcanics.
Data last updated on : 10/12/2010
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