Kipoi Project
Country Congo Dem. Rep. of 
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Last updated on 11/15/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Kipoi Project
Status Risk : Mine development
Country Risk : Important
Title(s) of the Kipoi Project
Tiger Resources Limited
Interest: 60%
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Tiger has a 60% interest in the Kipoi project. The remaining 40% interest in SEK sprl is held by La Générale des Carrière et des Mines (“Gécamines”), a DRC State controlled company.
Interest: 40%
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Location of the Kipoi Project
The Kipoi Project covers an area of 55sq km and is located 75kms north-west of Lubumbashi, the second largest city in the DRC and the Provincial Capital of the Katanga State. The Kipoi Project covers an area of 55sq km and is located 75kms north-west of Lubumbashi, the second largest city in the DRC and the Provincial Capital of the Katanga State
Geology of the Kipoi Project
The project area contains a 12km long segment (ecaille) of extensively copper/cobalt mineralised Upper Roan (R2, R4) sediments. Within the mineralised sequences there are at least five areas of very significant concentrations of Copper-Cobalt metal – Kipoi, Kipoi North, Judeira, Kileba and Kaminanfitwe.
Data last updated on : 12/31/2009
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