Artvin Project
Country Turkey 
Close to Savsat
Surface 253 km² / 62,516 acres
Latitude / Longitude 41 N 14 / 42 E 21
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Explores for Gold -
Last updated on 12/29/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Artvin Project
Status Risk : Early discovery
Country Risk : Important
Title(s) of the Artvin Project
KEFI Minerals Plc.
Owner: 100%
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Kefi Minerals is acting as operator of the project, while TSX listed Centerra Gold has taken an option to earn up to 70% in the project by spending US$6 million over five years.
Alacer Gold Corp.
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TitleCompany ProfileAll ProjectsCompany websiteCompany project page
Location of the Artvin Project
The Artvin Project comprises fifteen exploration licences covering an area of 253 square kilometres on predominantly state forestry land. KEFI Minerals is the first company to utilise modern exploration methods to systematically explore the Artvin Project area.
Discoveries and Drilling Results
2/19/2010Drilling Results at Artvin Project, Turkey
Data last updated on : 2/15/2009
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