Doup Project
Country Indonesia 
Province Kotabunan
Close to Lanut
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Last updated on 6/11/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Doup Project
Status Risk : Feasibility
Country Risk : Very High
Title(s) of the Doup Project
Avocet Mining PLC
Interest: 60%
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Avocet has a 60% economic interest in the project with 40% held by local shareholders.
Location of the Doup Project
The Doup project is located in the Kotabunan district, North Sulawesi, approximately 25 km north east of North Lanut. The project is located in an area that is free of restricted forest, which removes a major impediment to its development.
History of the Doup Project
The Doup project is divided into five prospects, namely the Benteng, Panang, Tungow, Tapabeken and Parabo prospects. The Panag and Benteng prospects were explored by Placer Dome in the 1980s. Placer Dome estimated a grade-tonnage inventory of 17 Mt @ 2.15 g/t for 1.2 Moz of gold, although this figure was never officially reported.
Data last updated on : 12/31/2008
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