Cerro Pelon Project
Cerro Pelon
Country Mexico 
Province Baja calofornia
Latitude / Longitude 29 N 59 / 115 W 24
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Explores for Gold -
Last updated on 6/7/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Cerro Pelon Project
Status Risk : Advanced discovery
Country Risk : Light
Title(s) of the Cerro Pelon Project
Alamos Gold Inc
Owner: 100%
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Location of the Cerro Pelon Project
Cerro Pelon is located approximately 2.5 kilometres southwest of the leach pad / 4 kilometres southwest of the Mulatos Pit and is a high-priority regional target for the Company, given both its proximity to existing mining operations and its geologic similarity to the Mulatos deposit.
Data last updated on : 12/31/2009
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