Shambesai Project
Country Kyrgyzstan 
Close to Obdilla
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Explores for Gold -
Last updated on 11/23/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Shambesai Project
Status Risk : Advanced discovery
Country Risk : Important
Title(s) of the Shambesai Project
Manas Resources
Owner: 100%
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Location of the Shambesai Project
The 387-square kilometre Isfairamsai licence lies immediately south of Tolubay and hosts the substantial high-grade gold discovery of Shambesai. The Shambesai Prospect is high-grade analogue to the Obdilla-Chauvai zone and is located only 8km south of Obdilla.
History of the Shambesai Project
Shambesai was discovered through the investigation of high tenor stream sediment gold anomalies which were systematically soil sampled and trenched defining a very strong gold soil anomaly averaging 2,200ppb (2.2g/t) gold over a 1km long strike length, with the core averaging 4,500ppb (4.5g/t) gold over a 700m strike length.
Geology of the Shambesai Project
The Shambesai Prospect is a high-grade gold discovery.
Data last updated on : 12/31/2009
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