Springer Project
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Last updated on 12/5/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Springer Project
Status Risk : Care and Maintenance
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the Springer Project
Scandium International Mining Corp
Owner: 100%
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The Springer Facility is 100% owned by Springer Mining Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of EMC Metals Corp.
Location of the Springer Project
The Springer Project is located on the southeast margin of the Eugene Mountain Range, approximately 45 km southwest of Winnemucca. The project consists of 340 lode mineral claims (approximately 7,024 acres), 25 placer claims (approximately 500 acres) more...
History of the Springer Project
The Springer facility was originally owned by General Electric who spent $71 million on mine and mill construction, development and maintenance from 1979 through 2006 when the property was sold to Golden Predator Mines Inc. (now EMC Metals Corp.) for total consideration of US $4.5 million plus a $981,411 reclamation obligation which has been satisfied.
Data last updated on : 12/30/2007
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