Savoyardy Project
Country Kyrgyzstan 
Close to Osh city
Surface 124 km² / 30,640 acres
Latitude / Longitude 40 N 01 / 74 E 21
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Explores for Gold -
Last updated on 8/4/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Savoyardy Project
Status Risk : Advanced discovery
Country Risk : Important
Title(s) of the Savoyardy Project
Kentor Gold Ltd
Joint venture: 70%
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Manas Resources
Owner: 30%
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The Savoyardy Gold Project has been joint ventured to ASX listed Kentor Gold Limited (Kentor), which has the right to earn up to a 70% interest in the project by incurring exploration expenditure of at least US$6 million over a 5 year period to 31 March 2012
Location of the Savoyardy Project
The Savoyardy Gold Project is located approximately 145km southeast of the city of Osh in the Kyrgyz Republic
Geology of the Savoyardy Project
The Savoyardy Gold Project covers a northeast trending belt of sedimentary rocks, which form part of the Southern Tien Shan thrust/fold complex. Gold mineralisation is known to occur over at least a 12km strike, and is exposed in Soviet-era costeans and adits at the Savoyardy prospect where Perseus has previously obtained channel samples including 7m at 12.9g/t, 2m at 38.9g/t and 31m at 1.7g/t Au.
Data last updated on : 1/15/2010
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