Wharf Project
Country USA 
Province South dakota
Close to Lead
Latitude / Longitude 44 N 20 / 103 W 51
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Produces Gold -
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Last updated on 1/11/2011 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Wharf Project
Status Risk : Production
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the Wharf Project
Goldcorp Inc.
Owner: 100%
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TitleCompany ProfileAll ProjectsCompany websiteCompany project page
The Wharf mine is owned 100% by Goldcorp Inc.
Royal Gold Inc.
Company ProfileAll ProjectsCompany website
TitleCompany ProfileAll ProjectsCompany websiteCompany project page
Location of the Wharf Project
The Wharf Mine is located four miles west of Lead in the Black Hills, a heavily forested, small mountain range located in western South Dakota. Wharf Resources (USA) Inc. operates the Wharf open-pit gold mine and heap-leach operation in the Bald Mountain Mining District of South Dakota.
History of the Wharf Project
The mine has been operating successfully since 1983 and has achieved major milestones in health and safety, and progressive reclamation of previously mined areas.
Geology of the Wharf Project
The Black Hills geological setting consists of an elongated dome, about 60 miles wide by 120 miles long, that was uplifted from the surrounding plains approximately 60 million years ago. The Wharf Mine is situated within the Bald Mountain mining dist more...
Production history
GOLD (oz)73,30060,70057,700
Data last updated on : 12/31/2008
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